Monday, June 4, 2001 | Episode #493
The Crane Mansion: Tim says he can't see anyone and Tab goes to get more magic dust and
Tim says he hated dropping that vial he hates hurting anyone. Tab tells him that pain makes the world go round and let's see
what pain the fog is causing now. We see TC going through the mansion looking for Julian and he is livid. TC tells Jules to
open up that it's payback time and flashes back to seeing Jules in the car. He yells that Julian is a dead man and breaks
down the door to look for him. Tim tells Tab to change the channel he can't watch TC kill Julian. Tab agrees and changes to
look at Eve. Eve is telling Grace about her experience. She goes on to tell Grace that a man stole her baby from the nursery
and flashes back. She tells grace she couldn't see the man's face but he stole her baby; he didn't die he was kidnapped. Grace
tells her that it was a bad dream but what she saw was all too real and she flashes back to seeing Sam and Ivy together. Grace
tells Eve she's lost Sam. Sheridan is headed for her call and Jules tells her not to drive in the fog. Sheridan says she has
too; Luis should have been at the station by now; Becky says that is strange considering the phone call she got earlier and
Sheridan flashes back to the call. Becky says where can Luis be and Sheridan says she has to find him; no matter where he
is. Sheridan tells them she will drive carefully and she heads out, Becky asks Jules why he was trying to keep her from leaving
and Jules says Sheridan never listens to what he says and they talk about the plan. Tim says that Julian is so mean to his
sister and Tab says that's hardly news and that everyone knows that Jules and Al are snakes and they always get away with
destroying lives and she ends up burned at the stake and it's not fair. She mentions that tonight he will get some of what's
coming to him. TC starts breaking things and Ivy comes in and he asks her where Julian is and she says she doesn't know. TC
talks about her and tells her she's just as bad as Julian and tells her that he's going to kill Julian. Ivy starts to protest
to him but then stops herself and realizes that if TC does kill Jules she'll be a widow. Sam comes around the corner and asks
Ivy if she's seen TC.
Sam says he's been looking for TC all over the place and has she seen him and Ivy lies and says she
hasn't. Sam goes on to tell her that he has to find TC and she says that she's sure that TC is fine it's Grace she's worried
about. Sam says that he has to find her and tell her that the kiss meant nothing and Ivy disagrees and tells him he still
loves her. Sam says no he doesn't and she says why did he kiss her the way he did; Sam flashes back to the moment he kissed
her and tells her that for a minute he saw the woman she was when she was younger; he caught up in the memory but that's all
it was a memory and he has to go find Grace. Tim mention that the fog is playing tricks on everyone and Tab tells him that
Sam is drawn back to the woman Ivy was. Grace says that Sam is going back to Ivy and it's her fault. Eve tells her Ivy could
have manipulated the situation; Grace says she doesn't know what the future hold and she's destroyed her marriage and tells
her to tell TC the truth about her past with Julian before he finds out from anyone else. Jules calls the imposter and asks
him if everything is ready and he says yes and Jules says that Sheridan should be there any minute and to make sure that the
tryst looks real and the imposter tells him it will. Sheridan is driving and mentions that the fog seems to be gone and she's
right on the coast when she recognizes what she thinks is Luis car.
Eve tells Grace she doesn't like keeping secrets but if TC finds out the truth he would finish what
he started in the hospital that day and he'll kill Julian. Grace and Eve hear Sam calling for TC and he tells Grace that he'll
explain later but he has to find TC and tells them what he saw. Eve asks why TC wants to kill Julian and Sam says he's not
sure. Eve says they better find him before he finds Julian and Sam suggest they spilt up and Sam says he'll explain later
and he loves Grace and only her and he leaves. Eve says that she should believe him and mentions that TC heard the tape of
her singing and she heads out to look for TC also. Grace turns around and she sees Ivy and asks her what she wants besides
her husband. Ivy tells Grace she's sorry that she walked in on Sam kissing her; Grace tells her she got exactly what she wanted;
her seeing them is just icing on the cake. Tab and Tim continue to talk and decide to check in on Julian. Julian is telling
Rebecca if they fail to break up Luis and Sheridan they will have to kill Sheridan and he doesn't want to do that and Becky
says she doesn't either. TC comes in and heads directly for Julian. Jules asks him what he wants and as TC heads straight
for him he pushes Becky in front of him. TC tells him he's going to kill him and starts punching him and then choking him.
Becky picks up a pillow and hits TC with it and tells him to get off her pookie. Tab says this is great and soon there will
be one less Crane.
Ivy tells Grace she won't deny that she wants Sam back but that Sam loves her and she; Sam and Ethan
will be the family they were always meant to be. Grace says that Sam is still married to her and Ivy says she hasn't forgotten
and she should bow out gracefully and leave things to be they way they were meant to be. TC is choking Julian and flashes
back to his father telling him to do so. Becky hits TC over the head with a vase to no avail and TC tells Julian he's gonna
kill him. Rebecca goes outside and screams for help and Sam gets TC off of Julian and TC says his father says he has to kill
Julian. Sam says he's in some kind of trance and tells Eve to throw water on him and she does so. Ivy tells Grace her marriage
is over and she knows it; Sam has never stopped loving her and as soon as Sam realizes that it's over. Grace tells Ivy that
she's the one Sam holds in his arms, she's the one he makes love to not her and that he fell in love and married her. Ivy
tells Grace that deep in Sam's heart and in his soul he hasn't stopped loving her and Grace says no and tells Ivy she won't
discuss this with her and she leaves. Ivy talks to herself and says that if TC kills Jules she'll be free. Sam says sorry
about the water but he couldn't find a way to snap him out of it and TC wonders what he's talking about. Becky says that he
was going to kill Jules and Julian says that he came in and attacked him like a pit bull and Becky says that she'll take him
to get some air and tells TC that an insanity plea won't work and they move away. TC tells Eve what he saw and why he wanted
to kill Julian. Eve says the fog must be playing tricks on his mind; it happened to her too, TC asks her what she imagined
and Eve has a small flashback and tells him nothing like he imagined and Sam leads TC out and Eve looks back at Julian, they
stare at each other a minute before Eve turns away.
Grace asks Eve if she thinks TC found out about her past with Julian and Eve says no and that's why
she can't tell TC the truth. TC tells Sam that she didn't tell Eve everything that happened and he saw Julian driving the
car. Sam says it was his imagination and TC says that not only did his father make him relive the accident he told him that
Jules did something to him and his family in the past; he wonders what it could be. Becky and Jules are in the library and
she brings him a drink and then talks about the plan and the fact that TC tried to kill him. Jules says thank goodness she
understands him and Becky say she does. She moves to the phone and Julian asks who she's calling and she says Luis, TC should
be arrested and Jules tells her no to let rabid dogs lie. Becky figures out he has another secret and says she'll let him
rest. Becky goes out the door and Ivy asks her if Jules is dead yet and Becky says no, and mentions how cold Ivy sounds. Ivy
tells her that if TC kills Julian then she'll be his widow, his very rich widow and that's right Becks; she could be divorcing
Jonathan for nothing and Becky doesn't like the sound of that at all.
The Harmony Police Station: Luis arrives at the station and goes inside and asks Packer
what's the big emergency and Packer says the mayor wants a report and Luis says okay and ask if anyone else called. Packer
flashes back to Sheridan's call and tells Luis no. Luis tells him that's strange, he would have thought that Sheridan would
have called to check on him and mentions once he left the mansion the fog cleared right up; he mentions he'll have the report
done in no time. The phone rings and Luis thinks it's the mayor and answers hello beautiful but it's the mayor and Luis tells
him he'll fax it over real soon. Packer asks if he's that close to finishing and Luis says yes and Packer spills coffee on
it and Luis tells him to call the mayor and tell him that the report won't be ready for a while longer. Luis says the keyboard
is working again and all he has to do is get the papers dry and he'll be done. Packer apologizes again and Luis goes on to
talk about Sheridan being a cop's wife and his love for her. Packer tells Luis that Sheridan is beautiful and mentions that
it must be something being engaged to a Crane. Luis says yes and mentions that they tried to break them up but they gave up
when they realized it wasn't going to work. Luis is finished faxing the papers and tells him that he can't wait to get back
to the party and give Sheridan a night she won't forget.
DeeDee's House: The imposter and DeeDee are in bed waiting for Sheridan and he thinks he
hears a car; he says that Sheridan better get there soon, he can hardly breathe in this mask. Dee tells him he'll do what
he's supposed to and he tells her she better be ready, they discuss the plan. Sheridan sees the car and wonders why Luis is
there. The imposter tells Dee that's Sheridan and they hurry set up the living room and head for the bedroom. Sheridan says
this is the only house around here and wonders why Luis is there and says she's going to find out; she gets out of the car
and heads for the door. The imposter and Dee head for the bedroom as Sheridan walks around the car and notices that it looks
the same and stops the tuxedo jacket and says it has to be his car and what's he doing there. She makes her way to the front
door and calls Luis name and she hears laughter and says that Luis must have stopped there on police business before going
to the station. Sheridan looks in the window and sees a cigarette and wine glasses and then says she hears voices, a man and
woman's and it can't be Luis. She calls his name again and wonders if he's in danger inside and opens the door. Sheridan goes
inside and heads down the hall to the bedroom, the imposter tells her that this is it and Sheridan is walking down the hall
and sees clothes all over the floor and hears Dee moaning and calling Luis name and telling him not to stop. Sheridan opens
the bedroom door and is devastated as she watches Luis make love to another woman.
Tuesday, June 5, 2001 | Episode #494
The Crane Mansion: Ivy is in her room bringing out dresses and Pilar comes in and asks what
she's doing and Ivy tells her about TC trying to kill Julian. Pilar asks how Ivy can act the way she does and Ivy tells her
that if Jules is dead then she'll get everything and to stop looking at her like that and help her pick out her widow weeds.
Eve continues to tell Grace why she can't tell TC the truth and Grace tries to encourage her to do so. TC tells Sam that it
was so real and that he showed him what really happened. Sam says that his father was one of the gentlest men he knew and
now he's telling him that his father told him to kill Julian. TC says yes and tells Sam that he's lucky he should up because
if he hadn't Julian Crane would be dead. Becky wants to call the police and Julian tells her no and that Al would have a cow.
Becky tells him to slow down on the drinking at least till they find out if they were successful in breaking up Luis and Sheridan
and Jules says of course they will succeed. Becky says that she hopes he's right because if the plan backfires then they will
be forced to kill his sister.
Ivy picks out a dress and mentions that it's a little low cut but what the hell, she'll be the sexist
widow this town has ever seen. Pilar starts in on her about TC going to jail and Ivy says into each life a little rain must
fall. Ivy starts telling Pilar about the kiss that Sam gave her and tells her that Sam still loves her. Pilar says she's fooling
herself and Ivy says that she knows it and so does Grace and tells Pilar that Grace saw them. Sam tells TC he wants his word;
hands off Julian Crane and he tells TC if he goes off on Jules again he'll be forced to arrest him. TC says he's sorry for
putting him in such a tough spot and then tells him about his father saying that Jules did something else to his family and
he wonders what he was talking about. Grace tells Eve that her secret is doing as much damage hidden than if it had come out
and mentions Sam's lies about Ivy. She tells Eve she doesn't know if you can ever recover from a lie. Becky cuts Jules off
and tells him he's had enough. Jules says he's trying to steady his nerves. Becky asks Jules why TC hates him so much and
what happened. Jules says that TC was hurt in a car crash years ago and Becky says she remembers. She figures out that they
staged the accident and says that if they have no problem doing that then they have no qualms about killing Sheridan. Jules
asks if she's having second thoughts about marrying him and Becky says no she'll just have to watch her back around Al; she
doesn't want to end up face down in an alley somewhere. The phone rings and its Packer and he tells Jules that Luis is ready
to leave and Jules says to stall him; he doesn't care how he does it just get it done.
Pilar tells Ivy she needs to apologize to Grace immediately and Ivy says for what Grace decided to
push Sam at her and then tells Pilar everything she did to get Sam to kiss her. She tells Pilar that she and Sam were meant
to be together and they will be forever. Eve tells Grace that she's sorry that she walked in and saw Sam kissing Ivy. Grace
mentions that she was the one who made him come her and says what if he still loves her; she doesn't know if she can live
without him. TC and Sam continue to talk and Sam mentions that he kissed Ivy and then says it's because of the fog. He had
the sense that something would happen.
Pilar tells Ivy that she said that Sam only kissed her because he was scared she would kill herself
and Ivy says whatever works. Pilar tells her that she manipulated the moment, he only kissed her because she scared him. Ivy
says he was scared because he thought she was going to die, he kissed her because he loves her. Pilar disagrees and Ivy says
she was there and she knows, she won't throw away this opportunity because Grace handed Sam over on a silver platter; she
isn't the one breaking up Grace's marriage she is. Pilar mentions that there are so many terrible things happening and she
can almost sense the negative energy in the air and she hopes it doesn't effect her family and she leaves to check on Luis.
Ivy says soon Sam, they will be the family they were meant to be. Sam tells Grace they have to talk, Grace says there's nothing
to say but Sam says he loves her and doesn't want to lose her. Becky thinks that Sheridan has seen them by now and Jules wonders
if anything happened and Becky say she wants nothing to do with killing Sheridan. The phone rings and the imposter tells him
that it worked. Jules asks where Sheridan is and he tells him she's probably headed back to the mansion. Jules is ready to
go and the imposter asks about the money and Jules says he'll get it when he gets their change of address. Jules hangs up
and he and Becky share a high five that hurts.
Pilar worries about Sheridan and Luis and Luis comes in and asks what happened to the party and Pilar
mentions the fog and Luis wonders where Sheridan is. He says it's too bad that everyone left he wanted to propose a toast
to her and then asks if his mother is okay and she says yes as long as he and Sheridan are okay and he says they are and she
worries too much. Eve is checking out TC and she tells him he's fine and TC says she thinks he's losing it because of the
vision he saw but it was so real. Eve says she believes him and TC asks about her vision and Eve blows it off, TC talks about
the fog again and says that he hopes nothing happens with Luis and Sheridan. Eve tries to talk to TC about his rage and maybe
he should talk with someone about it, TC doesn't want too but says he will if it will make her feel better and they decide
to go home. Before they leave Eve wants TC to promise to never go after Julian again and he won't kill him no matter what.
Grace says that she doesn't think that he's ever kissed her like he kissed Ivy and Sam says it didn't feel real to him it
was like it was some kind of dream; he's telling Grace that she is the woman he loves not Ivy. Grace says she wants to believe
that and how she was so stupid to tell him that he needed closure with Ivy. Sam takes that as hope and Grace tells him that
she looks at his eyes and sees his passion with Ivy, she looks at his lips and sees the lips Ivy kissed and how can she ever
believe him.
Sam tries to explain himself and says that they fog made him kiss Ivy. Ivy comes in and can't believe
that he's blaming it on the fog, she tells him he's lying and he knows it, she knows it and most importantly Grace knows it.
Eve asks TC to promise her that he won't kill Jules no matter what he hears; TC asks Eve what makes her think he will hear
something. Eve covers and says she just means it doesn't matter what Julian has done to him or anyone else it's not worth
losing his family; if he was to go to jail it would kill her and the girls and he might get the death penalty. TC says he
would do almost anything for her but that's one promise that he can't make; if he finds out that Julian did something to anyone
else in his family, there's no promise in this world that would keep him from putting Jules six feet under.
The Harmony Police Station: Packer can't believe that Luis is finished and apologizes again
for spilling the coffee. Luis tells him not to worry about it and Packer picks up the picture of Sheridan and asks Luis if
she'll be able to handle being a cop's wife. Luis says yes and Packer tells him he's a lucky guy, Luis says that he's surprised
she didn't call to check up on him but she must be busy with the guest at the party and Packer flashes back to the call. Luis
is ready to go and Packer says he can't go and Luis asks what's with him tonight and mentions all the things that happened
and says he knows what he's up to. Luis is upset and talks to Packer and he slowly takes out his gun. Luis thinks it's about
Packer and his girlfriend Miranda and tells him he'd love to talk with him about it but not tonight. Packer goes along and
says he appreciates it and Luis prepares to leave and he does so.
DeeDee's House: Dee and the fake Luis are going at it when Sheridan walks in and sees them,
she says it can't be that Luis would never do this to her and Dee continues to make love to the imposter and call Luis name.
Sheridan is in the hall and says to herself that Luis lied to her, that was the woman that called and he left their party
to make love to her. Sheridan says she has to get out of there and she turns to leave. Dee stops the imposter and tells him
that Sheridan is gone, Sheridan is in the living room and says how could you Luis, how could you do this too us. Sheridan
says that she's not running away she's gonna confront Luis. The imposter and DeeDee prepare to leave and the imposter wants
to finish what they started and Dee says he's not in Luis league and the imposter says give a guy a chance and throws the
mask out into the hall, the impost and Dee start to kiss again when Sheridan comes down the hall and her shoes are inches
from the mask but she's watching the couple. Sheridan decides that she can't allow Luis to see her like this and she leaves.
Sheridan's Cottage: Becky and Jules are at the cottage and they see Sheridan, they pretend
to be walking when she comes up. Sheridan wants to go inside and they asks if she found Luis and she says she doesn't want
to talk about it. Jules asks if she's okay and Sheridan says it's over and she doesn't want to see Luis again. Becky and Jules
play Sheridan to get her to tell them what happened and at first Sheridan says she just wants to be alone and Jules and Becky
play on her love for her family and she decides to talk to them. Sheridan tells them what she saw and they pretend to be shocked.
Jules tries to take up for Luis and Sheridan says she knows what she saw and mentions all the things she saw, and Becky asks
how she came across Luis and this person and she tells them. Sheridan says that she can't believe her stupidity and mentions
the previous incident and thinks that Luis betrayed her and calls herself a fool. Jules says he's sorry and he won't let Luis
get away with it, Becky pipes up and says she doesn't know why she's surprised when she thinks about what his sister did to
Gwen and she's better off without him just like Ethan will realize that he's better off without Theresa. They all hear footsteps
and Jules wonders who it is when the door opens and Luis says honey, I'm home. Luis asks what's going on and Sheridan says
she can't believe his nerve, coming back there after where he's been. Luis thinks she's upset because he took so long at the
station, but Sheridan says she doesn't want to hear a word of it and for him to get out of her house and out of her life;
get out now.
Wednesday, June 6, 2001 | Episode #495 The Crane Mansion: Sam is
yelling at Ivy that is enough and Ivy is telling him that she knows how he felt because she saw it and Grace moves away from
them. Ivy tells Grace that Sam was so relieved when he caught her; he was so happy to have her back in his arms and Sam tells
Ivy to stop it. Ivy tells him he loves her and to admit it. Tab and Timmy are watching and Tab says that Ivy is relentless
and its tearing Grace apart and she deserves some pain in her life. Tim mentions that she tried to kill Grace once and she
killed her sister Faith, isn't that enough. Tab tells him to stop keeping score and says they are lucky to have the magic
pool so they can see what's going on and she mentions that they are trapped. Tim asks if they have any idea how they are going
to get out and Tab says she'll worry about that after the fog has worn off. Tim asks if Sam kissed Ivy because of the fog
or because he wanted too. Tab tells him that they can just watch and he can decide for himself. Ivy tells Sam to tell Grace
that she is the woman he loves and to tell her now; Sam says Grace wouldn't believe him because she knows it isn't true. Sam
tells Ivy that he stop loving her years ago before he married Grace. Ivy says no he didn't, he was just angry with her because
she married Julian. Sam disagrees. Ivy tells him that what happened tonight proves he never stopped loving her. Grace tells
them to stop and says that Sam wouldn't be there if it weren't for her in the first place. Sam tells Grace she doesn't owe
Ivy any explanations; he tells Grace they should leave and start healing their marriage now and they start to leave. Ivy stops
them and tells Grace that she forced Sam to confront his feelings for her and does she really thing she can run away from
what happened tonight and does she want a sham of a marriage.
Grace walks out and Ivy tells him to let her go and work this out on her own. Sam tells Ivy he hates
her for hurting Grace and Ivy says that may be but he still loves her and Sam says no way in hell and Ivy says it's time he
admitted to himself. Sam says she's not the woman he loves; their past is over and finished. Ivy says no, that she's the woman
he can't get out of his heart no matter how hard he tries and that's why he's really mad. He still loves her and he never
stopped and in his soul he knows what's going to happen; they are going to be together again. Tim and Tab go around in circles
and they scream and Jules thinks he hears something and Becky says if he says it sounds like Tab and her doll then she's going
to scream. He can't be the heir if he walks around talking about Timmy being alive. Jules agrees and Becky tells him to stay
there and she's leaving to discuss something with Michael and she leaves. Jules is watching Luis and Sheridan and then moves
away from the window and says the next time his father calls he'll have more respect in his voice. We suddenly hear screaming
and Tim and Tab land on top of Julian. Jules gets up and sees Timmy and he tells Jules hi and thanks for inviting him to the
party. Jules is on his hands and knees and says awe and Tim says what?
Sheridan's Cottage: Sheridan tells Luis to get out, get off the estate and out of her life.
Jules says that their plan is working better than he imagined; Becky agrees and mentions the plan and Jules says that soon
Luis will go back to the barrio for their low rent lothario. Luis asks Sheridan why she's acting like this and she tells him
how dare him play her for a fool and she never wants to see him again. Luis asks Sheridan what happened and why she's so angry
with him and was it because he was gone so long from the party. Sheridan tells him to get off of it she saw him, she saw everything
and she can't believe his nerve coming back there. Luis tells her he loves her and she means everything to him. Luis tells
her to please tell him what set her off. Jules interrupts and tells Luis that his conduct is unacceptable and Luis asks what
he's talking about and Jules tells him just leave. Luis asks her what's going on and why is she treating him this way; she
tells him his conduct is despicable and so is he. Luis wants to know what's going on and Jules threatens to call crane security
and Luis says he loves Sheridan and he's not going anywhere till someone tells him what's going on. Jules says the innocent
act and Becky says it's sickening; Luis asks what act and Jules says don't insult his sister's intelligence any longer; leave
now or he will call security. Luis says Julian can get it through his head; he's not leaving till he finds out what's going
on. Sheridan says fine she'll tell him what she saw and tells him. Luis asks if she's kidding and Sheridan says again she
saw him; his secret is out and he'll never use her again. She tells him she hates him and she'll hate him forever.
Becky and Jules celebrate because Luis and Sheridan are broken up and Jules says that Al and the rest
of the world have to start taking him seriously again. Becky says speaking of how Al feels about him maybe he shouldn't bring
up Tabitha and her doll. Jules says he sees her point, Becky continues to tell him that he needs to be careful he doesn't
want people to think that he thinks that doll can talk. Sheridan tells Luis to leave and Luis is begging her to listen to
him and she says that she knows what she saw. Luis tells her they have to hold on to what they have. Sheridan gets mad and
says she's calling Crane security and she knows what she saw. Luis asks how she feels and she tells him, Luis says that he
would never do that to her and does she think he's such a cold blooded bastard, he mentions all the times he risks his life
to save hers, giving her his grandmother's ring. Sheridan says he's a damn good actor and Luis says she can't throw away what
they have if she has doubts and they need to get to the truth and find out what happened.
Thursday, June 7, 2001 | Episode #496
Sheridan's Cottage: Luis begs Sheridan not to throw him out; they have to talk and he talks
about them getting married and Sheridan asks how he can talk about getting married, he betrayed her with another woman and
for him to get out of her sight. Luis says he's not leaving and swears on Pilar's life that it wasn't him and Sheridan flashes
back to catching the imposter in bed with DeeDee. She tells him she saw him with her own eyes and Luis says he doesn't know
how because he wasn't there. Sheridan says they've been through that before and mentions the incident on the wharf and Luis
says that he never said those things. Sheridan says she can't believe he's like the other men and is there no man on earth
than can be trusted and Luis says that she can trust him. Sheridan talks about her parent's marriage, Jules and Ivy's marriage
and Jean Luc and that she vowed she'd never have a loveless marriage. Luis tells her he understands and mentions his parents
marriage before his father left and how close they were and he said he'd have the same thing; he'd wait for the right woman
and that woman is her. Sheridan says she wishes that was true and Luis says it is and she's the only woman he wants. Sheridan
tells him again she saw him and Luis says he wasn't there and it's a mistake, it's her family trying to come between them.
Luis moves to the phone and says he knows how to prove that the man she saw wasn't him. Sheridan asks Luis who he's calling
and he tells her Packer, he was there while she was at the station house. Luis calls and finds out that he's gone and Sheridan
says that's convenient and Luis says he will track him down; there is an explanation for what she saw and Sheridan says there's
no other explanation and she can't get past what she saw with her own eyes and she leaves.
The Crane Mansion: Theresa finds her way out of the maze and sees Whitney and Theresa tells
her what happened and that she ran into the tabloid reporter and how Ethan got it in his head that she sent the email. She
mentions that Ethan's suspicious of her and that it was the fog that made him think those things. Whit agrees but Theresa
says she blames Gwen and that she was trying to make Ethan think she did it and how she asked her point blank if she knew
that Ethan was a Bennett. Whit asks what she said and Theresa says she said no; Whit says she made a big mistake and Theresa
says that Gwen is up to something. Whit tells her she should tell Ethan the truth herself or she really could lose Ethan.
Ethan tells Chad that he accused Theresa of lying to him and that it had to be the fog. Chad agrees and Ethan says it had
to be the fog because he wasn't thinking straight or acting like himself and Chad flashes back to kissing Simone and Whitney
catching them. He tells Ethan there are some bad things going down. We see a repeat of the scene with Timmy and Julian and
Jules tells him he was right he is alive and he grabs Tim and says he's not letting him go till he shows someone and calls
out for Rebecca. Becky shows up and Julian tells her what happened and he's holding Timmy and Becky says. Jules says he told
her the doll was alive and Becky asks if he's lost his mind and to look at Timmy; he's in doll mode. Jules looks down and
says that Timmy was alive just a minute ago and yells at Timmy to talk. Jules tells Becky to hide behind the tree and he'll
get him to talk and Becky says they should go inside so she can make him some coffee. Tabitha falls down and says she was
bird watching and notices that Jules has her doll and says she dropped him while she was in the tree. Jules says he knows
the doll is alive and Tab says that he is to her and Jules says that he spoke to him. Tab says she'll make him a doll of his
own and Jules says he wants her to admit that the doll is alive. Becky gives the doll back to Tabitha and takes Jules back
to the house. Tab berates Timmy and tells him he'll send Jules to the mental hospital and how that would be sweet revenge
on the Crane family. Tim asks what Julian and that hussy are up too and Tab says they are carrying out their plan to destroy
Luis and Sheridan's relationship and it looks like they are doing a bang up job.
Theresa asks Whit where Chad is and what happened to her and Whit says she saw him kissing Simone.
Whit says that he said he was confused and he thought he was kissing her, Theresa asks if she believes him, that she has too
and that the fog has made everyone act a little crazy. Whit says something else happened and tells her about her vision of
being in Chad's room and we see a flash back. Whit mentions the paper and Theresa asks her what was on the paper and Whit
says she can't remember but it made her very upset. Tim asks Tab what the paper said and Tab says maybe it said they were
brother and sister. Whit tells Theresa that she told him they can't see each other anymore and Theresa asks why and she says
it was the paper. Theresa tells her she can't end a relationship with Chad over something that didn't happen. Whit mentions
how she's always talking about fate and says maybe this is fate's way of saying they shouldn't be together. Tab says that
it will break them up sooner or later and it will be much worse later. Chad tells Ethan about kissing Simone and Chad says
it's the fog and he thought he was kissing Whitney. Ethan mentions how strange the events of tonight are and Chad says that
Whit said she didn't want to see him again and it was like there was something else bothering her. Ethan asks if he knows
what it could have been and Chad says he has no idea and Ethan says that he must find her and talk to her and Chad agrees.
Jules is drinking coffee and then makes himself a drink and Becky tells him that Packer is there and Jules pays him. Jules
asks him if he's on his way out of town and he says yes; and Jules says that when he comes back no one will be able to verify
where Luis was. Packer says he felt bad and Jules tells him that any deviations to the plan will be dealt with and Packer
says he understands and he leaves. Becky compliments Julian and Jules says the plan is foolproof and Luis and Sheridan are
finished for good.
Ethan and Theresa meet up with Chad and Whit and Timmy says that he feels icky now that he sees Chad
with Whitney. Ethan and Theresa prepare to leave so Chad and Whit can talk and Theresa hugs Whit and tells her to talk to
him. Sheridan is walking on the grounds and she flashes back to Luis proposal and she says how can this happen, he really
thought he loved her and she could trust him and Luis comes out and says that she can. Sheridan says she did trust him but
she broke her trust and her heart and mentions how it felt to see him making love to another woman. Luis says it must have
been terrible and she says it was worse than that and that he just needs to tell her the truth. Luis says that he is telling
the truth and Sheridan says she doesn't know what to believe; how can she think of marrying him if she has all these doubts
and Luis says she can't; she can't marry him.
Becky is giving Jules a massage and they start to play around and Becky tells him he doesn't want to
get distracted and to wait till later; they still have to take care of Dee and Luis and afterwards they can celebrate in style.
Jules calls the imposter and congratulates him and tells him about his payment. The imposter says the job was a piece of cake
and Jules asked if he took care of the other details and he says yes. Julian tells him to destroy the mask and he tells him
to consider it destroyed and Jules thanks him for the good work and hangs up and tells Becky it's time to celebrate; Luis
and Sheridan are finished. Luis tells Sheridan he knows about the men in her past, she couldn't trust her brother and father
or the men she's loved. He has to know that he trust her before they get married; they can't even think about getting married,
it wouldn't be fair to them or their children. He wants them to be secure in the knowledge that their parents love and trust
each other; Sheridan says when he talks about their children and having a future together she wants to believe him. But how
can she do that when she has the image of him in bed with another woman in her mind. Theresa and Ethan show up and over hear
the last part of the statement and Ethan calls Luis a bastard and goes after him.
Chad and Whit start to talk and Chad tells her that what she saw that wasn't right; he didn't know
he was kissing her; he would never kiss her. Whit mentions that Simone thinks that he's in love with her and now she thinks
he loves her. Chad says again he thought he was kissing her and Whit asks how he couldn't know; doesn't he know what her kisses
feel like and Chad says yes. Tim and Tab discuss it and Chad says he'll go to Simone and tell her the truth. Whit says she's
not sure it's a good idea and Chad asks why not and Whit says there's more to think about and Chad asks what's going on. Whit
says he had a strange experience in that maze and she tells him what happened and the paper. Chad asks what the paper said
and Whit says she can't remember but all she knows is that she was very upset and it felt like some kind of warning. Chad
says that it wasn't real and Whit says she doesn't know what to think. Ethan goes after Luis and Sheridan stops him and Theresa
says it's not true is it Luis, and he says no. Sheridan tells them what happened and what she saw. Ethan asks Luis how he
could do this and Luis says that it wasn't him and Ethan said that what; suddenly he has a twin and Theresa suggests it was
the fog and tells them about how strange Ethan acted and the problems with Chad and Whit. Luis says it wasn't the fog and
he's going to find out what it is; Ethan says he'd like to know himself; Luis tells Sheridan to take him to the house where
she thinks she saw him. Ethan and Theresa say they are going too and they all head out.
Whit says she wants to go home and Chad says he thinks they should talk; Whit goes over what happened
again and says all she wants to do is go home. Chad wants to go with her and Whit says yes and they head out but Chad stops
her and asks her if she's going to let this come between them and she says truthfully she doesn't know and they begin to leave.
Tim says this night is going to break up Chad and Whit for good but that's good if they are brother and sister and asks Tab
if they are or not and Tab says she'll let it be a surprise. She talks about the fog and how it laid the groundwork for the
couples to be destroyed but one couple will be destroyed tonight. Tim asks which one and she says Luis and Sheridan but they
have more than the fog working against them. Jules and Becky toast their success and Jules says again that his plan is foolproof
and there's no way Sheridan will find out that they are responsible for tearing her relationship with Luis apart.
DeeDee's House: The imposter is about to destroy the mask and Dee tells him not to; they
can have some fun with it. He places the mask back on and they fall back on the bed kissing. The group arrives at the house
and Sheridan says that the car was parked right there under the streetlight. Ethan says there's no car there now and Sheridan
says that's because Luis is with them. They all move on the porch and Luis gets ready to open the door and says that to just
hope that whatever they find there now will clear up the situation once and for all.
Friday, June 8, 2001 | Episode #497
TV Guide
Tabitha is thrilled to watch Kay plotting again to seduce Miguel but Timmy pales to see Charity's pain.
Whitney tells an anguished Chad she sees no point in them staying together now. Julian promises Rebecca he won't mention Tabitha's
living doll again. Sheridan leads Luis, Ethan and Theresa to the house where she saw her fiance in the arms of another woman.
Miguel tries to reassure Charity that he feels nothing but friendship for her cousin. Though Julian expects to receive kudos
from his dad, Alistair chides him for failing to follow through. Sheridan is at a loss for words when a little old lady proves
to be the only inhabitant of DeeDee's house. Later, Sheridan tells Luis she needs time alone to sort out her feelings. Egged
on by Tabitha, Kay sets up another seduction scene to snare Miguel. Simone is on cloud nine until she spots her sister kissing
At the Book Cafe, Tabitha spies on the teens and delights in all the mayhem that resulted from the
mystical fog. Miguel assures Charity she was only imagining things when she saw him and Kay about to make love. Charity is
nonetheless disturbed by the image. Kay vows to Simone she's going to make sure Charity's vision comes true. The soulless
teen plots to have sex with Miguel when they get home. A mischievous Tabitha advises Kay to go after what she wants. Upset
over her hallucination and Chad kissing Simone, Whitney declares she and Chad have no future together. Chad refuses to let
Whitney end their relationship. He encourages Whit to follow her heart. Meanwhile, Simone glows over the hot kiss she shared
with Chad. Julian remains on-edge as he swears to Rebecca that Tabitha's doll is alive. Later, Julian is frightened when someone
wearing white gloves grabs him from behind. Luis, Sheridan, Ethan, and Theresa arrive at the house where Sheridan saw "Luis"
making love to another woman. As Luis pounds on the front door, the imposter, who's still wearing the "Luis" mask, moves to
answer it. The group is stunned when the door opens, and they are greeted by a sweet, old lady. A baffled Sheridan decides
to search the house and heads for the bedroom, where the Luis imposter struggles to pull off the mask.
Monday, June 11, 2001 | Episode #498
Sheridan's Cottage: Sheridan tells Luis that more than anything she needs to be able to
trust him and Luis says she can. Sheridan says again that he left their party to make love to another woman and Luis says
he didn't. He wants to prove it to her but Sheridan says no that it's over. Luis asks her if their relationship is over and
she says no and that she can't live without him and Luis says he's glad and he loves her and they kiss. Luis asks if she believes
that he wasn't with another woman and she says yes but not very convincingly and Luis says she still doesn't believe him does
she. Luis says he can see that she doesn't believe he was at the station, Sheridan says that why can't they forget the whole
thing. Luis says that it wasn't him and he wants her to believe him; Sheridan talks about how weird it all is and mentions
everything that happened. Luis says he was at the station house and Sheridan wonders what other explanation can there be.
Luis says that someone is playing games with them and he's gong to find out who and why and Sheridan tells him to let it go
and they hug.
The Crane Mansion: Rebecca and Jules talk about their plan and Sheridan's reaction. Jules
tells her it's time to celebrate their success and compares himself to several generals. Rebecca wants to play some music
and she plays the jazz tape and Jules flashes back to his time with Eve. Becky is talking about the music and notices Julian's
face and asks him why the song is getting to him or is it the singer. Jules goes to turn off the tape and Becky tells him
no and mentions that she thinks she's heard that voice before and could she know who this is. Jules changes the subject and
goes to call the imposter, the guys answers and DeeDee is trying to take of the mask and Jules asks if they are still at the
house and he lies and says no. Jules reminds him to destroy the mask and he says he'll burn it and Jules says to make sure
he does, without that mask Luis and Sheridan won't know what happened. Becky comes out in Jules tux jacket and he tells her
it's given him an idea; they can play orchestra and she can be the French horn and they kiss. Becky wants to go upstairs but
Jules says there's something he must do first. Jules takes the book out about how to commit murder out of the desk and starts
ripping pages out of it and tells her there are secrets that can't see the light of day and mentions TC Russell. Luis and
Sheridan are at the library door and they walk in as Becky and Julian are going at it and Jules says that he was showing her
an origami move and Jules says that he heard he's a black belt and Sheridan corrects him. Jules wonders what they are doing
there and Sheridan says they came to tell him something. Jules wants to know what it is and Sheridan says she doesn't know
what was going on and she doesn't know what she saw. Becky asks if she believes that and mentions that she saw it with her
own eyes. Sheridan says that she isn't going to throw away her future with the man she loves and that they went back to investigate;
she mentions the old woman and Becky tries to say that she had the wrong house but Sheridan says she wants to go on with her
life and Jules says she can't forgive him. Jules asks how she can let him deceive her and forgive him and Becky pipes up and
Sheridan tells her to stay out of it and they continue to argue. Luis says that's it and that he was at the police station;
his beeper goes off and he moves away to make a call. Jules says that he's lying and she's letting him get away with it and
Becky says something and Sheridan tells her she won't tell her again. Jules says that he won't let Luis humiliate his sister.
DeeDee and the imposter finally get the mask off and she says finally they can get out of there and he says he'll burn the
damn thing. Sheridan tells Jules she appreciates his concern but she loves Luis and tells him that it will take more than
words for her to give him up it will take a slap in the face. Luis comes back and says that he'll be on stakeout and Sheridan
says that she'll call him later and he tells her he can't be reached. They get ready to leave and she tells Julian and Rebecca
that she hopes they can accept her decision and Julian says he just wants her to be happy and they leave. Rebecca picks up
the book and says that she guesses they will be needing this and Jules says that if Sheridan needs a slap in the face that's
what she'll get and he calls the imposter and tells him he wants him to completely destroy her trust in Luis.
The Bennett House: Charity is in bed and dreaming, she sees a wedding and the groom is Miguel,
he lifts the veil and Charity calls out his name. Miguel says I love you and he'll always love her Kay and she says she's
happy and they kiss. Charity says that he loves her not Kay. Charity has another vision and this one is about Whitney; she
is holding a baby and praying to God to help her she didn't know that he was her brother; she didn't know it was incest and
please help her. Charity has a vision of TC killing Julian and Eve begging him to stop and Charity says no stop. Charity continues
to dream about everything and says no, no, no. Charity is still dreaming but sees headlights and yells out Simone's name.
The Lopez-Fitzgerald House: Miguel asks Kay what's wrong and she tells him that she's unhappy
and that no one loves her. Miguel tells Kay that's crazy and mentions her family and that they love her and so does he. He
tells her she's his best friend and Kay says that she's not talking about that kind of love, she's talking about the kind
of love she saw at the engagement party and everyone has someone to love but her; she has no one. She talks about getting
on a bus and leaving and Miguel tells her not to talk that way and that Reese is crazy about her. Kay says Reese and Miguel
says if she doesn't love him anymore then she'll find someone else; Kay says she was hoping that it would be him. Miguel tells
Kay he loves Charity and that there can never be anything between them. Kay mentions what he said in the mineshaft and Miguel
says that he'll love Charity forever and they are going to get married. Kay mentions Charity's vision and tells him that Charity's
visions usually comes true and Miguel says no always and Kay says what if he doesn't really love Charity and he really loves
her. Miguel tells Kay that his future is with her and Kay wonders what if they give it time and Miguel says that he loves
Charity and he will for the rest of his life. Miguel tells Kay that it was just the fog, he tells Kay he's sorry; he knows
she wants someone to love her but it can't be him; he loves Charity. Kay says she doesn't mean to be a burden and Miguel says
she's not and they are like family. Kay tells him she feels alone and could he just lie next to her and hold her. Miguel says
he will if it will make her feel better and he holds her and Kay says that it feels good; Miguel tells her to get some sleep
and everything will be better in the morning. Kay says if she sleeps she'll have bad dreams and Miguel says he'll be right
down the hall. Kay begs him to stay all night and he agrees and she tells him one more thing and tells him to take off his
clothes and Miguel says what? Miguel tells Kay that there's no way that he will take off his clothes and Kay says that his
clothes are damp from the fog; she knows she can trust him and Miguel agrees and says that his clothes do feel a little damp
and starts to remove his clothes. Kay smiles slyly and says to herself that she knows she can trust him but can he trust her.
The Russell House: TC talks about it being a strange night and his vision. Eve tells him
it was just a vision but TC says it made him relive all those bad moments and Eve says the past was in her mind too and flashes
back to her vision. She says she just wants to put the night behind them and TC says he can't forget and that his father mentioned
something that Julian did to his family in the past and what could he have meant. Chad and Whit break from their kiss and
Whit says she doesn't want Simone to walk in and see them. Chad asks Whit if they are going to tell her the truth when she
comes home and Whit says yes and Chad says until she gets home and they kiss again. Simone is watching and says how could
Whitney do this; she knows she loves Chad and Chad loves her. Simone says no they can't be kissing but she looks back at the
window and watches them. Simone says no again and that Chad loves her not Whitney, she says this can't be happening and maybe
it's a dream. She convinces herself it's because of the fog and she'll wake up any moment. TC and Eve are in bed and continue
to talk about the night and TC's vision and TC flashes back to talking with his father. TC says he won't let anyone destroy
his family and he'll find out what Julian did in the past and Eve tells him no. TC tells Eve that if he finds out that Julian
hurt someone in his family he'll kill him.
Simone looks up and Whit and Chad are gone and she convinces herself that it was her imagination, she
says she needs a couple of minutes before she goes inside and she opens her compact and tells herself that it was all in her
mind. Whit is worried about Simone and Chad calls the cafe to see when she left. He tells Whit that Simone left a while ago
and Whit wonders where she could be, Chad says she's probably hanging out with friends and Whit talks about how hurt she will
be. Whit mentions her first love and Chad asks who that would be. Simone looks up and sees Whit and Chad again standing together
and says maybe it wasn't a dream. Simone says if Whit and Chad kiss she'll die; she'll know it was real and not her imagination.
Whit tells Chad he's her first love and Simone watches and says don't do it Whit; Chad loves her and she better not dare kiss
him. Eve tells TC don't let Julian destroy their lives; she asks him to promise he won't kill Jules. TC tells her he'd do
anything for her but if his father is right and Julian hurt someone in his family he'll kill him. Eve tells him if he won't
do it for her then do it for the girls and don't let Julian cause him to hurt the people he loves most in the world. TC tells
Eve she's getting upset for no reason and Julian hasn't done anything to her or the girls. Eve mentions the way he acts when
Jules talks to her and TC admits it and tells Eve that he trust her and he knows she wouldn't have anything to do with that
slime and not to worry he'll be around a long time and they kiss. Whit and Chad kiss and Simone says no and it wasn't a dream.
She says that Whit is kissing her boyfriend and her own sister is kissing the only boy she's ever loved. Chad tells Whit that
not even the fog can come between them and Chad says that he knows that she was upset when she saw him kissing Simone and
Whit tells him she knows he thought it was her and Chad tells her that Simone will have to understand that they are made for
each other. Simone is on her knees and says she was such a fool and why didn't she listen to Kay; she was right about everything.
She wonders how her own sister can be such a snake and she starts to walk away and takes a look back and sees Chad and Whitney
kissing. We hear a car and Simone is now standing right in the middle of the street. Chad puts on some music and he and Whitney
start to dance. Meanwhile Simone is crying in the street and we see a car head for her and she screams.
Tuesday, June 12, 2001 | Episode #499
Sheridan's Cottage: Sheridan answers the phone and it's Luis, she thinks they can talk all
night and Luis says they can't; he called because there's no action and he call to apologize, Sheridan says she's just glad
they could get past this and there's no need to apologize. Luis says he'll make it up to her. Luis says he'll never let her
out of his site and he'll handcuff her and Sheridan says that he'll have to read her, her rights first and they get romantic
and talk about how much they love each other when there's a knock at the door and it's a delivery man with roses and she tells
him they're beautiful. Luis says he knows that roses can't make up for what she's been through but they are a symbol of his
undying love. Sheridan says he's gonna make her cry and he says they are supposed to make her happy and she says she's the
happiest woman in the world and he says she deserves to be. Luis says he must get back to work and tells her he loves her
and they hang up.
The Crane Mansion: Jules places the imposter on speakerphone and asks if he burned the mask
yet and he says not yet and snatches it from DeeDee. He asks what Julian wants him to do and he tells him that he wants Sheridan
to think Luis is the scum of the earth and he wants her to believe it starting tonight. Jules tells the imposter that Sheridan
will see a side of Luis that she's never seen before and it has to be done quickly. Jules tells him not to move from DeeDee's
place and they will be there quickly; Jules hangs up and says that his sister will hate that cop and Becky worries that they
will have to kill Sheridan; Jules mentions Sheridan's very forgiving heart but tonight it will shrivel up and die. Becky is
dressed and Jules asks if she's ready and tells her the plan and what Sheridan hears will make her hate Luis forever; Sheridan
said it would take a slap in the face to make her change her mind and tonight she will be slapped.
DeeDee's House: Jules and Becky arrive at the house and tells them what he wants them to
do. Jules tells them he wants them to see Luis slapping DeeDee and they both are unhappy about it but Jules says they will
do what he asks and that Sheridan can't stand a man who would brutalize a woman and they will make Sheridan think that Luis
is a monster. He picks up the phone and tells Dee to get Sheridan over there and Dee calls. Sheridan picks up the phone and
Dee tells her that it's all her fault and why did she have to do it and Sheridan asks who is this. Jules tells Dee to tell
her that she is the woman that Luis really loves and she's afraid and Sheridan asks where she is. Dee says she's at the house
that Luis set up for her and that he's coming back and begs her not to tell Luis she called that he will kill her. Jules pretends
that she's being slapped and starts to choke DeeDee when Rebecca has to stop him. Sheridan hangs up and says it's true it's
all true. Sheridan gathers her keys and says, Luis, this is worse than anything they could have imagined. The imposter tells
him that they don't take any prisoners and Jules says they will do whatever is necessary. DeeDee asks if he's sure that he
wants to do this and Julian says he wants his sister shocked so bad that she'll never forgive Luis.
Tabitha's House: Tim and Tab are waiting for the Bennett's to go to sleep and Tim says that
she shouldn't have let them stay; Tab says she had no choice. Tim mentions that Tab had the feeling that death is near and
Tab says that someone is going to die and notices that Kay's soul is glowing and says she's up to something. Charity continues
to dream and sees Kay and Miguel making love, then Simone in the headlights and calls Simone's name. Tab says things are heating
up and the vial pulls her towards Charity's room and they fall inside and watch Charity as she dreams. Charity continues to
dream and hears Miguel say he never loved Charity and kisses Kay and she wakes up and sees Tabitha. Tab says she was dreaming
and she came in to check on her and Charity tells her about her dream and Tab says that she knows that Miguel loves her and
it was just a dream. Charity says it seemed real like a glimpse in the future and then tells her about Simone. Charity wants
to talk to Miguel and Tab tells her she cant go out now and makes her go back to bed and says she'll be back with a cup of
tea for her and she and Timmy leave. Tim says that she's unhappy and Tab says she has every reason to be and it's more than
a dream; Kay will get Miguel to make love to her tonight and they have to make sure that Charity can't stop it. Tab says she's
going to make Charity a very special cup of tea. Tim and Tab arrive back at Charity's door and Tab mentions that the tea will
put her out for hours and what matters now is keeping Charity away from Miguel. Tim doesn't like it but Tab tells him she
rules supreme and that Charity stays, Tab opens the door and sees that she is gone and they rush out to stop her.
The Lopez-Fitzgerald House: Miguel is taking off his clothes and Kay tells him it was sweet
of him to stay with her and she starts crying and Miguel tells her not to and it will all work out and he lies next to her
and holds her while Kay smiles slyly and says to herself that she has him right where she wants him. Kay sits up and asks
Miguel if he's angry with her about asking if there could be anything to between them and he says no and mentions how weird
the night has been. He says that it was the fog and it seems like it's effected everyone and Kay says that has to be it and
she can't help but wonder if it was meant to tell them something. Miguel says the fog will be gone in the morning and the
visions will be gone with it and they should get some sleep and he tells her goodnight. Kay says she'll sleep better if he
puts his arm around her and he does. Charity looks in the window and sees Miguel in bed with Kay and has a flashback of them
making love and then of Simone and says she can't leave she needs to talk to Miguel. She knocks on the window and Miguel says
its Charity and lets her in and asks if she's okay. Charity says she's having terrible dreams and tells them about Simone
and Kay tries to blow her off but Charity says she thinks Simone is in danger and she ask Miguel to help her and he says he'll
call Chad and she'll see it was just a bad dream and Charity says it wasn't a dream it was real and we see Simone again in
the street. Miguel calls Chad and asks if he's seen Simone and that Charity is worried and Chad says that he thinks they would
have heard if something happened and they hang up. Charity says it doesn't feel right and that the dreams she has usually
come true and she tells them about her other dream and Miguel looks shocked and asks what. Miguel tells her that he loves
her and Kay mentions how weird it is and Charity says that she had a dream of them in bed and she came to the window and she
saw them in bed. Miguel says he was comforting her and they weren't about to make love; far from it and Charity wonders about
her dream about Simone. Miguel says he'll take her over to the Russell's and prove to her that it wasn't real.
The Russell House: Eve and TC are in bed and Eve thinks she hears something and wonders
about the girls and TC says it's a school night and they should have gone to bed hours ago. TC tells Eve to get some sleep
and not worry about anything and Eve agrees but has a flashback about her vision and wonders what it means. Whit worries about
Simone and Chad tells her not to worry and Whit says she hates having to tell Simone the truth and Chad says the sooner she
finds out the better it will be for everyone and she'll get over it. Whit says she may get over it but will she ever forgive
her; Whit looks outside and says that the fog is so thick and wonders where Simone could be and we see her lying in the middle
of the street. Eve continues to think about her vision and says to herself that her baby is dead and that she'll just pray
that TC never finds out the truth and then says maybe Grace is right, maybe she should share her pain with TC and let him
comfort her. TC wakes and asks if something is bothering her and does she want to talk and Eve says she does but she's afraid
he wont like what she says. TC says he loves her and whatever she has to say won't upset him that much. Tim and Tab are walking
around and Tim falls and then sees Simone and Tab says she knew someone would die tonight but she didn't think it would be
Simone. Timmy wants to leave and Tab says they can't leave her lying in the road and says that she doesn't want Charity seeing
her and causing problems and they have to get rid of the body. Eve tells him it's about Jules and TC says it was a mistake
to talk about him before going to bed and he won't go after Julian. If he were to hurt someone in his family then he'll hurt
him and that Julian is too smart to mess with his family and for her to go to sleep and put her mind at rest and Eve lies
back down. She thinks to herself that she can't go on like this and she has to tell TC the truth. Chad hangs up the phone
and tells Whit that she left the book cafe a while ago and they discuss telling her the truth; Chad asks if she's sure she
wants to be the one to tell her and not him and Whit says she's sure. Whit goes to the window and looks and Chad mentions
how thick the fog is and you can't even see the street. Meanwhile Tab and Tim and dragging Simone's body and Tim says he hates
this and Tab says she might not be dead and Tim tells her to call someone. Tab says no, everyone will come running and Charity
will know that her dreams are on and she will blow Kay out of the water and that will be that and they cannot let that happen.
Eve has a nightmare about her baby being dead and she's crying her baby is dead and TC wakes her up and asks her what baby
she's talking about. Tab covers Simone with newspaper and Timmy doesn't like what they are doing and they hear someone coming
and move away. Chad and Whit are walking towards the book cafe and run into the teens; they ask about Simone and everyone
realizes they haven't seen her yet. Suddenly Charity says that there's evil there and Miguel asks where and Charity looks
around as Tim and Tab watch from their hiding place. Miguel asks Charity again what she sees and Charity moves over to the
newspapers and bends down to lift it up and she sees Simone and screams. Tab tells Tim it's too bad they can't stick around
and they leave. TC and Eve hear the scream and TC goes to the window and Eve asks what he sees and TC says he doesn't know
the fog it too thick and they leave to find out. Whitney rushes to her sister and Chad is calling for Simone to wake up and
TC and Eve rush out and ask what happened. Miguel says how did this happen and Whitney says Mom and Eve covers her mouth and
Kay says she's dead.
Wednesday, June 13, 2001 | Episode #500
Tabitha's House: Jessica and Grace are at the table and they talk about the way things are.
Jessica tells her mother that she misses her father too. Jessica talks about how happy they were and she wants her parents
back together. Grace says it's not that easy and Jessica says that it is and she always said that if you have love you have
everything; doesn't she believe that anymore. Jessica tells her mother that Sam doesn't love Ivy and from what she's seen
it's like he can barely stand her. Grace says she used to believe that too; but Jessica tells her to don't let things go and
she needs to go to call him and give him a chance. Grace tells her she's wise for someone so young and she thanks her and
says it's late and she should go get some sleep. Jessica asks her to come with her and she says she's going to see her father
and Jessica hugs her and Grace says she's right; she does love her father and doesn't want anything to break them up.
The Crane Mansion: Ivy is in bed and she's making love to Sam, he tells her he loves her
and he never stopped and he knows now she's the only woman he wants to be with; of course it's all a dream, Ivy wakes up and
reaches for Sam and then says why can't he be there with her. Ivy says to herself that she knows Sam still loves her and whatever
it takes she'll show him that his heart lies with her and not Grace.
The Police Station: Sam is in bed at the station and Grace comes in and Sam asks why she's
there. Grace tells Sam she misses him and she can't sleep without him, she doesn't want to go on this way anymore and she
wants them to be a family again; she loves him and she never stopped. Sam says he loves her too and she asks Sam to make love
to her and they begin. Sam is making love to Grace and saying he misses her and he loves her and suddenly it's Ivy he's making
love too and he wakes up and wonders what's happening to him. Sam is tossing and turning and finally gets up and there's a
montage of him and Grace. Sam picks up the phone but then hangs up and goes back to the bed and looks at the picture of him
and Grace. Sam is sleeping and the door opens, it's a woman in black high heels and Sam is dreaming about Grace but we see
Ivy. Ivy says no Sam it's Ivy the woman you really want and she drops her coat and she's naked and she looks at Sam.
Outside The Russell House: After a repeat of yesterday, Eve cries out no, her baby, her
little girl. Kay says she's dead and Whit tells her to stop saying that and Eve checks her out and says her heart is beating
but they must get her to the hospital ASAP. Charity says they need to hurry, there's not much time.
The Hospital: They arrive at the hospital and TC wants to know what happened to her and
Chad says that he thinks she was hit by a car. Charity tells him about her dream and that she went to find the others and
she found her on the street covered in newspapers. TC is furious that someone just left her to die and if he finds him he
will kill them. TC is crying and very upset; meanwhile in the trauma room the doctors say they are losing her and Eve cries
no. TC asks what Simone was doing out and Chad says they were at the book cafe and he and Whit left first and he guesses that
Simone went alone and didn't see the car because of the fog. TC says that it's more than that and something must have distracted
her and he walks away and Whit moves away too and Chad follows. She tells Chad that her father is right; she must have seen
them kissing, Chad says no it was something else and Whit says what if it wasn't. If she saw them kissing then it would have
been like a knife in her heart and what have they done to her sister. Chad tells her that there's no way that Simone saw them.
The doctor calls a code blue and he wants Eve to leave and she won't so he calls TC to help remove Eve and he takes her out.
Simone needs to be defibrillated and they continue to work on her as everyone watches. Charity tells Miguel she knew that
something happened to Simone and Miguel says that her vision saved Simone's life. Miguel asks her about the vision of him
and Kay and she says it was really real. He tells her that her vision will never come true and they will never make love.
Charity says he saw them in bed and Miguel explains and tells her that he loves her, he and Kay are only friends and she has
nothing to worry about. Chad tells Whit they can't blame themselves for Simone being hit by the car and Whit wonders what
if she did. He wants to go get her something to drink and he kisses her and leaves. Kay comes over to Whit and asks if she
feels guilty and lays into her about her about Chad. Whit tells Kay that she doesn't need this now and Kay says that Simone
saw him first and she needs to admit that she stole him from her sister. Whitney says she didn't things just happened and
they were waiting for the right time to talk to her. Kay asks if she saw them together and caused her to be hit by the car
and Whitney tells her to shut up and Kay says what could they have been doing that she didn't see the car and Whit flashes
back to kissing Chad. Kay tells her that she did this to her and if she dies it will be hurt fault. Whit asks her what's wrong
with her and it's like she doesn't have a soul and walks away. Eve says she can't lose her baby and TC wonders about her nightmare
and tells Eve he understands now and he knows what her nightmare was about. Eve asks if he knows and TC says that it was her
mother's intuition and that's how close she is to their daughters. The doctor comes out and tells them that they aren't able
to stabilize her and her condition is critical and he's not sure she'll make it through the night. TC says he can't be serious,
Simone can't be dying and the doctor says he's sorry and they should go say their good-byes and Whitney goes in first. Kay
says she can't die; her best friend, her only friend and she can't lose her; she has to get better so she can help her get
Miguel. Charity comes over and tells Kay that they should talk about what happened tonight with her and Miguel. Eve says Simone
has to get better, she can't lose another baby; she can't and TC looks surprised. Whit begs her sister not to die on her and
says if she lives she'll never see Chad again; he'll be out of her life and he'll be free to love her and please don't die.
DeeDee's House: Luis is on the phone and signs out, he says this could be a long night and
he hopes it pays off. Sheridan says to herself that not only did Luis cheat on her but he has a violent streak, it's like
he's two different people. The imposter is ready and Jules and Rebecca talk about the scene that Sheridan will find and she
must realize that Luis is a lying two timing pig. The imposter and DeeDee say they are ready and Jules makes a mess in the
living room to prepare for Sheridan's entrance. Becky is making up DeeDee's bruises and Julian says he wants Luis to slap
DeeDee and Becky asks if that's necessary and Julian says yes and talks about how Luis is on stakeout and not reachable. Becky
asks if he's sure and he says yes and there won't be a snowball's chance in hell of Luis and Sheridan getting back together.
Jules tells the fake to take a swig of liquor so he can be more convincing. Becky wants to talk to Jules but Sheridan pulls
up and Julian tells them to make it look real, Sheridan must be devastated and calls everyone to their places while he and
Becky hid in a closet. Sheridan knocks on the door and Julian tells Rebecca its show time. Sheridan keeps knocking and then
hears someone crying and goes inside. She sees DeeDee and Dee tells her that Luis is blaming her and he came after her; Sheridan
asks if this is her house and mentions the lady who answered the door. Dee tells her that Luis caught her jaywalking and that
he threatened her if she didn't pretend that it was her house. DeeDee tells Sheridan that he's using her and that he hates
her family and she's the biggest prize of all; Sheridan wants to know where he is now and Dee says no she can't talk to him
he'll kill her. The fake is hiding and Jules tells him that's his queue and to get ready. Dee tells Sheridan to leave and
she won't, but Dee persuades her to hid and she does and Luis comes in and starts yelling; he asks Dee what's going on and
they are playing it up as he pretends to slap DeeDee and then grabs her as Sheridan listens with a shocked look on her face.
Luis lays into Dee and tells her it's all her fault and she ruined everything and talks about his plan against Sheridan and
she messed it all up. Luis is going off and Dee is saying she's sorry and she didn't mean too and he says she did and she
caused him a lot of trouble and he slaps her and Sheridan comes out and yells for Luis to stop right now. Luis asks what she's
doing there and she asks the same and tells him she heard everything and he's a lying bastard. He says she's right and he
can't lie his way out of this one and says that she was so gullible and desperate to be loved that she'd believe anything
he said. He never loved her, he was just using her to get to her family and she fell for it, hook, line and sinker. Sheridan
says she can't believe it and it's him it's really him; Becky worries if she'll get close enough to see the mask and Jules
says no; he told the imposter to slap her if she got too close. Luis says it's him; he's the real Luis and the man she loves
with her whole heart and soul. Luis tells Sheridan that she must feel pretty stupid she was suckered not once but twice and
he might not get revenge on her family but he doesn't have to pretend that he's in love with her anymore. Jules and Becky
celebrate and say that Sheridan will never forgive him now. The fake goes on and on about how stupid and gullible she is and
how it about made him sick to make love to her; he tells her that's exactly what she is a silly gullible fool. Sheridan says
no more, not when it comes to him and she never wants to see his disgusting face again and she goes to leave. She opens the
door and the real Luis is standing there and he comes in.
Thursday, June 14, 2001 | Episode #501
The Lopez-Fitzgerald House: Ethan places a ring on Theresa's finger and says he made a deal
with a local jeweler to exchange his services of an attorney for the ring. They talk about the engagement party and Ethan
says he's sorry he thought the worse of Luis and Theresa says she understands and they talk about the wharf. Then they discuss
going to DeeDee's house and Ethan says maybe the fog affected her (Sheridan) the way it affected him and he can't believe
for a second that he thought that she knew he was Sam's son and didn't tell him and Theresa looks guilty. Ethan says that
he feels guilty that he thought the worse about Luis and he would never keep a secret from Sheridan anymore than she would
keep one from him and they will work this out. When they get to the bottom of it they will get married without missing a beat;
Theresa mentions the fortune cookie and worries about Luis and Sheridan not getting married, and if they don't what will happen
with them and Ethan says that he's going to marry her whether they get married with them or not. Pilar comes in and asks what
they are talking about and Theresa tells her what Sheridan saw. Pilar goes over what Sheridan saw and says that it didn't
happen. It's some sort of setup a plot to drive them apart; Theresa agrees but wonders who would do something so mean. Pilar
tells her Jules and Al and Theresa mentions that they accepted him but Pilar tells her yeah; they can't wait to have Luis
as a son in law. Pilar apologizes to Ethan and Ethan says the longer he lives out of the mansion the more he sees what they
are really like. Ethan says he thinks love will win out in the end and the only thing that can split a couple apart is if
they keep a secret from each other; Pilar says that she thinks they have been honest with each other and Ethan says they are
just like them; they are totally honest with each other and he and Theresa kiss, while Theresa looks at her ring and looks
back at her mother. Ethan mentions his mother and the reason she's living in a loveless marriage and if she had been honest
then she and Sam could have had a life together and that's the thing about secrets they always come out in the end. Ethan
goes on about all the people the secret hurt and that's why he hates secrets so much and anyone who keeps them and Pilar looks
pointedly at Theresa. Ethan says He's sorry that he was just trying to make a point; nothing can destroy true love unless
it's one of the people involved and he leaves to get something to drink; he kisses Theresa and leaves. Pilar tells her that
if Ethan's speech didn't persuade her to tell the truth than nothing will. Theresa says it's because of the speech that she
can't tell him and Pilar says he will break the engagement if someone else tells him. She tells Theresa she can't keep a secret
from the man she loves and if she doesn't tell him the truth she will lose him, it may not happen tonight, next month or next
year but if he finds out the truth she will lose him, never to see him again. Pilar tells her to tell Ethan before it's too
late and she says it's already too late; she lied to Ethan. She tells her mother what Gwen did and Pilar says what does it
have to do with Gwen and Theresa tells her mother that she accused her of sending the email. Pilar says she couldn't have
and Theresa says she told Ethan that but Gwen asked her point blank if she knew if Ethan was a Bennett before and she lied.
Pilar says its like Gwen forced her to lie to Ethan and she doesn't like it and that maybe Gwen realizes that she knew. Gwen
is aware that the information was in their house and she probably told her mother; Pilar mentions the remarks that Rebecca
has made too; but she tells Theresa she must tell Ethan the truth and Ethan comes in. He asks what's going on and asks Theresa
what is it Pilar wants her to tell him.
Tabitha's House: Jessica tells her mother she's happy she's going to talk to her father
and they will be a family again. Grace tells her she's made some mistakes and she never should have told Sam to resolve his
feelings for Ivy and she should have believed him. Jessica says that he will understand and Grace agrees and says she can't
wait to see his expression when she walks in. Grace has changed and Jessica says she looks great and Sam will think so do
and tells her to go. Grace says she's nervous and that it feels like she's going out on her first date with Sam all over again.
Jessica encourages her and tells her to tell Sam she loves him and she can't wait for them to get back together and Grace
thanks her daughter and heads out. Grace is on her way and Jessica calls her on the cell phone and asks if she's there yet;
Grace says she's taking her time; she wants to think about what she's saying to her father. Grace tells her to go to bed and
they hang up and Grace says she hopes Sam will be happy to see her and continues on her way.
The Police Station: Sam is dreaming of making love to Grace and says her name when Ivy says
her name won't be on his lips for long and she'll pleasure hi in ways that Grace could never dream of and she climbs into
bed with him and says tonight's the night they go back to the way they were. Sam continues to dream about Grace and says he
loves her and Ivy says that she loves him too, she always has and she's about to remind him how much and she kisses him. Ivy
is kissing Sam and he's calling out Grace's name and Ivy says it's not Grace it's Ivy and continues to kiss him and he wakes
up and wonders what's going on. Sam gets angry and they discuss who he thought he was kissing; Sam tells her that what they
had was in the past and he wants Grace now, not her and tells her to get out before he throws her out. Sam tells Ivy to stay
out of his life, he asks what happened to her, how did she get to the point where making a fool of herself doesn't phase her
in the least. Ivy says she went through twenty years of living as Julian's wife and she wants what they used to have. Sam
says he doesn't love her anymore and he doesn't want to embarrass or humiliate her anymore than she's already done to herself
but if she doesn't leave he will throw her out on her naked behind. Ivy says that she doesn't think he will do that and wonders
what Grace will think about finding her in his bed late at night and Sam asks if she's trying to blackmail him and Ivy says
no; she's just wondering who will be hurt more; Grace or her. Sam asks what she's saying will she cause a scene; Ivy says
no that's not what she saying; she wants one thing and if he gives it too her that she'll leave quietly. Sam asks what she
wants and she tells him she wants a goodnight kiss; at first Sam says no and Ivy says fine have it your way and she wonders
how long it will take Grace to find out she left the station only wearing a sheet and she starts to leave but Sam pulls her
back, Ivy asks does this mean he's changed his mind? Sam agrees and says he's only doing it to protect Grace and she tells
him to pucker up and they begin to kiss. Grace is outside the door and wonders what Sam will say when he sees her. Sam and
Ivy are kissing and Grace comes in the door and sees them.
DeeDee's House: After a repeat of yesterday Luis comes inside and Sheridan says there are
two Luis and Luis says not for long. Jules wonders what the real Luis is doing there and Becky says it doesn't matter their
plan is ruined. Jules says forget about the plan being a bust the real Luis will hurt them if he finds out they are there.
Becky says the real Luis would never hit a lady and Julian says he's mad enough to commit murder. Luis says he wants answers
and he wants them now and the fake won't say anything and Luis says why would they do this and the fake says that there's
not much to do in Harmony. Luis remembers the wharf and the fake denies it; Luis says there's no way they could have set this
up alone and the fake says no comment. Luis says it wasn't them at all, he knows who it is they both do and mentions that
they are going to pay for almost costing him Sheridan. Luis goes after him and Sheridan calls him off and Luis speaks with
her and then begins to beat the fake Luis up; when he falls he tells Sheridan to watch him disappear and takes the mask off
the fake. He tells Sheridan to look at the mask and that it's part of the scheme that Jules and Al cooked up; he's going to
prove it and he's going to make them pay. Meanwhile Becky comforts a scared Julian. Sheridan tells Luis she's sorry and that
she knew in her heart that he loved her and deep in her heart she knew; Luis mentions the fact that she trusted him enough
to set this up. Becky and Julian have the nerve to get mad because Luis and Sheridan set them up and Julian worries that Luis
will hurt them if he catches them. Luis tells the fake and DeeDee that he wants the whole story from start to finish and it
will decide whether they live or die. Luis says he knows who tried to break them up, Al and Jules and Becky and Julian talk
about trying to get away. The fake tells Luis he won't say anything, Luis tells him to admit it. Sheridan says forget it and
Luis says he wants to prove to her that her father and brother are behind it. DeeDee says she didn't mean to hurt anyone and
the fake slaps her and Luis jumps him. The fake warns her about telling the truth and Dee decides to shut up and Luis says
that they will protect them and to tell who hired them. Dee mentions her family and that Al and Jules will come after them
and Sheridan tells him that she knows who's behind it. The fake continues to lie about the wharf and Luis says that Al and
Jules must be paying him a fortune. Luis grabs the imposter and threatens to bring charges and the fake says that he won't
say anything and he's out of there. Luis starts to beat him up again and says the hell you are. Luis and the imposter fight
and Dee tries to get away and Sheridan stops her and handcuffs her to the door. The fight continues and the fake takes out
a knife and threatens to kill Luis if he tries to keep him from leaving. Luis tells him to put the knife down and he says
no way; Julian says Luis is a punk and Becky says she thinks Luis has a plan. DeeDee asks him to take him with her, the imposter
tells her no; it's every man for themselves and he tries to leave but Luis stops him and he drops the knife and they continue
to fight and Luis knocks him into the closet and they see Julian and Rebecca. Sheridan shouts their names and Luis says he
knew they were in on this and now he's going to have his head on a stick and Julian cowers.
Friday, June 15, 2001 | Episode #502
Tabitha's House: Timmy isn't happy that they had to hide Simone's body and Tabby explains
again why they had too. Tim says that it didn't work and Tab says it's not the only thing that's gone wrong and someone was
supposed to die and Simone is still alive. Timmy says he's taking his copy of Hidden Passions and he's hitting the road. Tab
says he can't leave and Timmy says he can't take it any more and he grabs his stuff and heads out. Tab picks up Timmy and
says he can't leave and she needs him. Tim says for her to find someone else to hide her bleeding bodies; Tab says there was
only one and it's not their fault that a car hit Simone. Tim says he wanted to help her and she wouldn't let him and Tab goes
over the plan again and tells him if they don't stop Miguel and Charity they could be burned at the stake. Tim says that he
doesn't want to be burned at the stake and Tab says that's why he has to stay and help her. Tab mentions the vial and Tim
says it's glowing again and Tab says it's a sign they will be saved and it will show them how to separate Charity and Miguel
for good. The soul vial lifts up and Tab says for it to be gentle and then it starts to twist, Tim says he doesn't like the
looks of this and he tells Tabby that she's right, someone is going to die and it isn't Simone its Tabitha!
The Police Station: Grace comes in and Sam says he can explain and Ivy says that it's too
bad that she didn't come in a few minutes earlier she wouldn't have walked in on the same old kiss; she would have walked
in on a lot more. Sam asks if Ivy has any shame and she asks why should she be ashamed. Sam tells Grace she has to believe
him and she says never again and leaves. Ivy wants to go after her and Ivy tells him to let her go and things happened for
a reason and Sam says that there is a reason; she's a bitch and damns her to hell. Grace comes back in and Sam asks for a
minute to explain and Grace says there's no need to explain she heard everything. The phone rings and Sam doesn't want to
answer it but Grace tells him to; Sam answers the phone and finds out about Simone and hangs up. Sam tells Grace what happened
and he leaves to put on clothes so they can go. Grace tells Ivy to get dressed and she's pathetic and Ivy says she's the one
who walked in on her husband kissing her naked so who's the pathetic one now. Grace and Ivy have words and Grace tells Ivy
she's going to fight for her husband and she's no match for her. Ivy asks what she's going to do use tomato soup cake to repair
her marriage. Grace tells her to shut up and she doesn't have to fight as hard for Sam because she is wearing his ring. Sam
comes back and he and Grace start to head out and he tells Ivy that she better be gone when he comes back and he and Grace
leave. Ivy says to herself that Sam won't get rid of her that easy; he loves her and she won't start till he knows it too.
The Lopez-Fitzgerald House: Ethan asks Theresa what Pilar wants her to tell him and she
flashes back to what her mother said and tells him that she will tell him. Ethan tells Theresa she can tell him anything and
the phone rings; it's Miguel and he tells his mother what happened and asks if Theresa will come and bring Ethan. Pilar says
she'll send them down and she hangs up and tells Ethan and Theresa what happened and she and Ethan leave. Ethan stops at the
door and says there was something she was going to tell him and Theresa says it can wait.
The Hospital: Eve tells TC that Father Lonigan is coming and TC says she shouldn't have
called him. TC mentions what she said about losing another child and asks her what she meant. Kay talks to herself and says
that Simone is the only real friend she has and to please be all right. Charity comes over to her and tells her they have
to talk about Miguel and mentions what she saw and asks Kay what's going on and tells her not to lie to her. Chad tells Miguel
that he prays that Whit is wrong and if Simone saw them then he'll never forgive himself. Whit is begging Simone not to die
and says again that she'll never see Chad again if she comes back and he'll be out of her life forever. TC asks Eve again
what she meant and Eve says now isn't the time to talk; TC says it is. Kay tries to talk her way out of the situation and
Charity watches her as she walks off and says to herself why doesn't she believe her and flashes back to seeing the monster
face on Kay and wonders why she thought of that. Whit is still telling Simone she will give up Chad if she just holds on and
Simone's hand moves. TC tells Eve that she has nothing to be ashamed of and she gets so involved with her patients that it's
like when one of them losing a baby it's like losing her own. Reese shows up and asks how everything is and Chad and Miguel
tell him. Charity continues to look at Kay and flashes back again. Father Lonigan shows up and he asks if there's been any
change and talks about how Simone has a beautiful heart and soul; Charity hears the word soul and looks over at Kay. Whitney
still talks with her sister and suddenly Simone's hand touches Whit's and Whitney calls her name. The doctor is checking Simone
and Theresa and Ethan arrive and ask how she is; Miguel tells them that Simone grabbed Whitney's hand and Whit comes out.
Whit and Theresa talk and Whit tells her it's all her fault and Whit says she figured out how it happened and Simone saw them
kissing and she ran into the street and the car hit her. Whit says that she'll make it up to her and she told her she'll never
see Chad again and Theresa says she can't keep that promise, she and Chad love each other and Whit says it doesn't matter;
her sister's life is more important than her life; she told her she wouldn't see Chad again and she won't. Father L asks how
Kay is and about her soul and Kay says she doesn't have it and what is she supposed to do. Charity asks Reese if he found
anything about people who walk around with no soul and he says yes and he and Charity leave to look at the website. Father
L tells Kay that she should have had her soul back by now and not to tell him that she's still trying to separate Miguel and
Charity and asks her did she learn nothing. Kay says why does everything have to be her fault and he tells her that she's
the one who sold her soul, if she doesn't change her ways, evil coming back to Harmony will be the least of her problems;
he warns Kay what could happen if she dies without her soul. Ethan tells Chad this isn't his fault and Chad says that he did
a hit and run himself; he never meant for her to think he had feelings for her and he should have let her down gently when
he had the chance and none of this would have happened. Theresa tells Whit not to give up on Chad; this wasn't her fault.
Whit says who's fault was it and says that Simone wouldn't have ran out into the street if she wasn't kissing Chad; if she
dies she couldn't look at Chad knowing she killed her sister. Reese leaves Charity to go check on Simone and she reads some
of the information out loud; she realizes that she's seen those same things in Kay. She flashes back to being in hell and
then realizes that Kay could have helped her and she didn't. Miguel comes in and asks her what's going on and Charity tells
him that Kay doesn't have a soul. Father L warns Kay again, if she doesn't change her ways; evil will revisit Harmony. The
doctor comes out and Whit asks if her sister is awake yet; the doctor tells Whit that he doesn't know why she did that but
her condition isn't improving, in fact it's deteriorating fast. We hear a nurse call code blue and the doctor rushes back
to Simone's room.
DeeDee's House: Luis moves over to the closet and tells Julian he's going to kill him and
Becky begs him not to hurt Julian and Luis tells them to come out of the closet so they can chat. Sheridan asks Luis what
he's going to do to them and he says he doesn't know; Julian wants to set some ground rules first and Luis tells him to shut
up and tells Rebecca to sit down. He tells her that Julian has hidden behind her skirts long enough; Rebecca sits down and
Jules slithers over next to her. Luis picks up the mask and says it must have cost him a pretty penny, Sheridan says that
she knew in her heart that Luis couldn't do that to her. Luis says that Jules had to stoop lower and only someone as twisted
as him could have come up with the plan and it backfired and now he's going to pay. Luis tells Jules that he knew that he
and his father were the scum of the earth but he never thought they would sink this low; Sheridan apologizes and Luis tells
her not to be sorry and asks Julian if he called in a favor from the mayor. He mentions Officer Packer and says he'll find
out if he's involved. Luis and Sheridan go over what happened and Luis hits Jules on the head with the mask and says he doesn't
miss a trick does he. Sheridan mentions that Luis knows her family better than she does and mentions Luis plan and all they
had to do is sit back and wait for them to hang themselves. Luis asks if there's any rope lying around. Luis picks up Jules
and he tells Becky that he's sorry he won't be able to spend the second half of his life with her; Becky says I love you too
pookie. Luis throws him over and Becky tries to tell Sheridan that she didn't know anything about the plan; Sheridan tells
her she doesn't believe a word out of her overly lipsticked mouth and poor Gwen; she never realized that she had such a sick
and twisted person for a mother. Luis picks Julian up and Jules tries to remind him that he's an officer of the law and could
never commit the crime of murder. Luis tells him that he's not thinking about that right now and he's going to make him pay.
Jules tries to lie his way out of it and says he was just protecting his sister; just like Luis would do if Theresa were marrying
the wrong man. Luis says he's nothing like him at all and that he knows that he thought Sheridan was marrying someone way
beneath her and it must be killing him that he's a blue-collar guy. Jules says he makes him sound so snobbish and Luis says
he knows the real reason why he doesn't want Sheridan to marry him and mentions that he'll have access to the estate and all
their affairs and he'll be able to find out if they had anything to do with his father's disappearance. He tells him that
he's right to be afraid, he's not going to kill him but after tonight he'll wish he had. Luis tells Julian he won't kill him
and the only reason he'll spare him is because of Sheridan and it would hurt her. Jules thanks Luis and Luis moves Julian
to a chair and tells him that they are going to play like tonight never happened except for one thing; when he and Sheridan
get married he's going to be on him like white on rice and he'll be so close to him he'll feel him breathing down his neck
at all times. He will find out what he and Al did to his father; and when he does he's going come down on him hard. The imposter
wakes up and Luis tells him to get out and he leaves. DeeDee asks about herself and Sheridan unlocks her from the door and
Dee apologizes and Sheridan tells her to get out too. Jules and Becky try to leave but Luis stops them and Sheridan tells
him one last thing and he says anything sister dear and Sheridan hits him. Sheridan tells Julian how dare him use her family
against her; what did father do to him to make him do things like this; does he ever think of their mother when he acts like
this. It didn't work, he can go back to Al and tell him his plan backfired, she loves Luis with all her heart and she's more
determined to spend her life with him and there's nothing he can do to stop her; nothing at all and she opens the door so
they can leave. Jules and Becky to scurrying out and Sheridan and Luis share a hug. Luis and Sheridan are back at the cottage
and they say they couldn't imagine spending their lives without one another and exchange I love yous and hug.
The Crane Mansion: Becky and Jules are back at the mansion and Becky says she's glad that
Julian is all right; Jules says he isn't and tells her that Al said if the plan failed they would have to kill Sheridan and
that's exactly what he's going to have to do.
Monday, June 18, 2001 | Episode # PASSIONS WAS PRE-EMPTED TODAY
Tuesday, June 19, 2001 | Episode #503
Tabitha's House: The vial is choking Tabitha and she asks him to help her and get the cord
off. Tim tries to untangle the cord himself and repeats the line about somebody dying and how he thinks it's going to be her.
Tim tries to find something to cut the cord and the vial lifts Tab in the air, Tim finds the sword and says this will save
his princess. Tab is calling for help and Tim gets caught up in his costume and then has a fantasy of saving Tabitha on a
pirate ship. Tab calls his name again and he comes out of it and turns around to see Tab being held up by the vial. Tab tells
Tim to get on the table and Tim says he'll save her and swings the sword and Tab's head goes flying. Timmy says no, no, no
what did Timmy do? Tim drops the sword and picks up Tab's head and says he didn't mean to chop her head off and he's sorry
and he calls for his princess. Timmy wonders what he's going to do without Tab and begs her to come back; Tab starts to berate
Timmy and he drops her head and she tells him not to fall apart on her; she needs his help. Timmy says he's princess is alive
and Tab says yes but she's been better; Tim says he's sorry again and Tab mentions the pain. Tim says he knows just what to
do and he'll have her head sewn back on her body and that Eve can do it; she's a miracle worker and he picks up her head and
takes off and Tab's body starts to follow.
The Hospital: Simone is coding and Chad tells Ethan it's all his fault and Ethan says it
could have been the fog and Chad says no; he should have told Simone a long time ago that he was in love with Whit. Whit is
telling Theresa the same thing and Theresa tries to reassure her. But Whit says she (Simone) loves Chad and she may have thought
that she was trying to steal him away and she's going to keep her promise. Miguel asks Charity what she means and that she
can't possibly know what she's saying and Charity says that Kay doesn't have a soul and she can prove it. TC and Eve pray
for Simone to live and Ethan tells Chad Simone will be all right; Chad says that he and Whit's love will get them through
this. Whit says it's this secret that Simone could die because of it; Theresa tells her that it's not her fault and Whit says
it is and she has to tell Chad right way. Chad and Ethan make their way over to the girls and Chad asks Whit what does she
have to tell him. Reese goes to Kay and tells her that he's going to get Charity and Miguel. Father L mentions how emotionless
Kay sounds and how she won't have the love of anyone unless she has a soul. Miguel asks Charity how can she prove Kay doesn't
have a soul. Charity runs down the information on people without a soul and Miguel says maybe she's depressed. Charity says
that's her point, shouldn't she have cried when her parents broke up; Miguel mentions that she was crying the other night
and Charity asks if he actual saw her cry and Miguel says he doesn't remember. Charity mentions how cold Kay has been and
Miguel flashes back to all the times Kay was cold. Charity then mentions that Kay hasn't gone with them to church and how
she always has an excuse and Miguel agrees. Charity tells Miguel that Kay has no soul; he has to believe her and she's worried
about her. Chad asks Whit again what she has to say and the doctor comes out and tells them that Simone is stable for now
but he's not sure how long she'll be able to hold on. Reese comes into the room and tells them they need to get back; Miguel
asks Charity if she told Reese what she thinks and she says no and she fills him in. Both Reese and Miguel try to say that
Charity is off base. Charity tells them about the monster face and then says she remembers about being pulled into hell and
that Kay was helping Hecuba drag her into hell and she heard them arguing about Kay's soul. Charity tells him that Kay is
partially responsible for her being dragged into hell and Reese and Miguel look at each other. Miguel says that he wants to
believe her but why would Kay hurt her, she loves her, Reese says that wouldn't matter if Kay doesn't have a soul and Charity
says that it why she's been having visions of Kay and Miguel. Reese doesn't believe it and says that Kay loves him not Miguel
and Miguel says he wants to believe her but he thinks she's wrong. Charity says the only way to get to the bottom of this
is to talk to Kay and the guys agree; Miguel says if Kay doesn't have a soul then where is it now. The teens arrive back and
Charity tells them to look at everyone and how upset they are and to look at Kay; not even a tear. Miguel suggest that she's
in shock and they move over to Kay and Charity talks about how cold Kay is and Miguel asks Kay why she isn't crying and Kay
says she's trying to be strong. Charity says maybe they should go to the chapel and pray and Miguel agrees and Kay says she
should stay there and Charity looks at Miguel and says she thinks she's right. Kay asks right about what and why are they
looking at her like that. TC and Eve are with Simone and they beg her to fight and not give up and how they can't let her
go. Theresa tells Ethan she feels so bad and Ethan says that Chad will be broken up about this and that this is what happens
when you're not honest and mentions how glad he is that they don't have any secrets between them and they hug. Chad tells
Whit she can't blame herself and Whit says she's knows what she's going to is the right thing and Chad says whatever it is
they will do it together. Whit says no and Chad asks why she's acting like this and Whit tells him she can't be with him anymore
and it's over; she promised Simone and Chad looks bewildered. Kay asks why they are staring at her and Miguel asks her if
she has a soul or not; does she have a soul or is she a soulless being.
The Crane Mansion: There is a man walking on the grounds with a cigar and he makes his way
to the house. Jules wonders if Al knows what happened and Becky says probably and the phone rings. Julian says that's him
on the phone and Becky says he probably had DeeDee's house bugged and Jules says he'll rip him to pieces. Becky tries to reassure
Julian and says he used the imposter once too often; Jules says what was he supposed to do. Becky says now that the plan failed
Al will insist that they do things his way. The man arrives at the library doors and looks inside. The phone is still ringing
and then it stops and Jules says good he hung up but Becky says she's sure he'll call back and then mentions how tense Julian
is and starts to massage him. She asks if he's feeling better and he says she always knows how to make him feel better and
they kiss and then move into the library and begin to get into it when the phone rings again. Jules says to let it ring; he
doesn't want to talk to his father now; he'll talk with him tomorrow and suddenly we hear clapping. Jules gets up and Al turns
on the light and Jules asks what he's doing there and Al says he's there to clean up the mess he's made. Becky tells Al how
nice to see him again and Al says he wouldn't rush to that conclusion and Jules tries to make excuses but Al tells him to
sit down. Becky says that she's met him before at Al and Jules wedding and Al says he remembers and flashes back to sleeping
with Becky and tells her he remembers that night very well and Rebecca smiles and Julian looks confused. Rebecca tries to
leave and Al tells her she's not going anywhere and he has a new plan to tear Sheridan and Luis apart. Jules asks so soon
and Al says he knew he would fail and he's been working on this plan for weeks and he's know all along that Sheridan must
be killed. Jules tries to persuade Al not to be hasty and Al says what should they wait for; does he want to go prison and
he says no. Al tells him that he and Rebecca will stay where he can get in touch with them at a moments notice and Rebecca
tries to leave and Al tells her that she's up to her elbows in Sheridan's blood and he tells them both that he'll be in touch
and he leaves through the library's French doors. Rebecca wants to know what happened to Martin and Jules says that she doesn't
want to know. Becky tries to persuade Julian to tell her what happened and Julian says that if she knew then he and his father
would have to kill her as well. Rebecca says that he can't be serious; he can't kill his own sister and Jules says he doesn't
have a choice. He'll have to do what his father wants or he'll cut him off or worse; Becky asks what can be worse and Julian
says nothing and Becky realizes that he means they will be the ones to die. Julian says it's a fait accompli, as far as his
father is concerned Sheridan is already dead.
Sheridan's Cottage: Sheridan and Luis talk about everything that happened and Luis tells
her he understands why she believed it and he doesn't think his mother would no the difference. Sheridan says that her heart
told her that she had to believe him and Luis says that there's nothing her family can do to tear them apart and they'll be
together forever. Luis brings out champagne and says they have proof that their love is stronger than anything Al and Jules
can throw at them and they deserve to celebrate. Sheridan can't believe that Al and Jules did this and Luis says he knows
it must have hurt but she has to go on with her life. Sheridan and Luis share I love yous and Luis says nothing and no one
will tear them apart and they kiss and then move to the bedroom. Luis and Sheridan continue their kissing and then go to the
bed and Luis says he still can't believe it and Sheridan asks what and he says that they are there together and Luis says
that he won't let anyone take her away from him and they kiss. Luis is asleep and Sheridan gets up and goes to the window
and thanks God for everything she has and for Luis; meanwhile Al looks at Sheridan and says his poor, pitiful, beautiful daughter;
he'll never see her alive again. Sheridan gets a chill and Luis wakes up and asks if she's okay and she says she got the feeling
that someone is watching her and waiting to cause her harm. Luis says that it's just because of everything that happened tonight;
she tells him she loves him and Luis says the same and that nothing will tear them apart and they hug as Alistair continues
to watch them.
Wednesday, June 20, 2001 | Episode #504 Tabitha/Timmy: Timmy is
running down the street and he trips and Tab's head goes rolling into the street; Tab yells for Timmy to help before she becomes
like one of Grace's flapjacks and her body blindly follows. Timmy tells her not to worry; he'll save her. Tim gets Tab's head
before a car runs over it and her body gets away too. An old man says that he said a headless body in the middle of the road
and his wife tells him to pull over and she'll drive the rest of the way. Tab's body comes up and places the vial around Timmy's
neck and he doesn't want it but Tab says for him to leave it alone, Tim wants to head to the hospital but Tab wants to talk
and Tim says that he's on a mission and he takes off.
The Hospital: Chad tells Whit he's waited too long for something this real and he doesn't
want to give it up; Whit asks about Simone and says she made the promise to Simone and she's going to keep it. The other teens
start in on Kay about whether or not she has a soul and Miguel tells her to be honest with them; does she have a soul. Sam
and Hank talk about what happened with Ivy at the station and the fact that Grace walked in. Sam says Grace heard what he
said and that he thinks she's starting to realize that she's the one he loves. Jessica and her mother discuss the same thing
and Grace tells Jessica she's thinking about getting back together with Sam. Chad says that he and Whit were just starting
to build something and Whit says she knows but she has to think about Simone. Chad begs Whitney not to throw their relationship
away and that he loves her and to please don't take this away from him. Kay says that she can't believe that they don't believe
she has a soul and she pretends to be upset and runs away. Reese says that her tears have proven her innocence and he and
Miguel go after her. Charity sees Father Lonigan and asks him how she can prove that somebody doesn't have a soul. Father
L wants to know why she asked that question; Charity tells him what she's suspects and the priest tells her that it's not
to late to help and for her to go the chapel and pray for Kay's soul. Reese says he's going to find his Kay if it's the last
thing he does and he leaves out and sees Tim and Tab and Jessica comes out and he tells her they are about to check their
own X-Files. Tab tells Timmy to stop and give her head back to her body and she'll be okay again and so Timmy does and Reese
is looking and says Oh My God. Reese says he doesn't believe this and Jessica catches up with him, Reese tells her that he
saw her body and the doll was running around with her head and Jessica says that her head is right where it should be and
tells Reese to go look for Kay and he leaves. Jessica tells Tab she's sorry and then asks if she's there about Simone and
she'll take her to her. Tab says she'll be right in and then tells Tim that they should go and try to help Simone to the other
side and cause the Russell family some real pain; Timmy says no he's tired of all this evil and he leaves. Eve is with Simone
and Grace comes in and tells her that she can't lose another baby, Grace tells her that she won't lose another child and Eve
says she hopes she's right, she doesn't know what she'll do if she losing her. Sam tells Hank he's going to prove to Grace
that she's the only woman he loves; Hank asks if he's sure and tells him that he remember how much in love he was with Ivy
and he seems so sure but who is he trying to convince me or you. Chad begs Whitney not to do this and Whit says she has too
and to please let her go; Chad says he loves her and he knows that she loves him too and they kiss. Theresa sits with Ethan
and asks him what would he do if she had a secret. Ethan asks if she has some major credit card bills he doesn't know about
and Theresa says no but she wonders if their love is strong enough to withstand a challenge and Ethan says that he loves her
more than anything and it's not like they have secrets between them. Chad tells Whit that, that kiss told him everything he
needed to know and thanks her for giving them another chance and he leaves to get them something to drink. Whit says that
she knows that the kiss was special because she knows that it was their last. Sam assures Hank that he only loves Ivy and
he leaves to check on Eve and TC. Charity is in the chapel praying for Kay to get her soul back and Timmy overhears and says
that maybe this is his chance to do something good. Miguel runs into Kay and says he's sorry and Kay wonders where Charity
is and Miguel says he's not sure. The doctor comes out and tells the group that there is no change and they are losing Simone.
Father L tells everyone to gather around and pray for Simone; Kay, Reese and Miguel are there and Kay says great; this is
all she needs for everyone to see she's not praying. Miguel looks over and notices that Kay isn't praying and tells Reese
maybe Charity is right; maybe Kay doesn't have a soul. Charity begs God to return Kay's soul and allow her to be whole again
and she finishes and heads out; Timmy comes out of hiding and says that he's made up his mind and he must do this for his
sweet Charity. He takes off the vial but it's hot and he drops it and it breaks. Everyone is praying and the monitors are
going off and everyone is waiting to hear about Simone. Dr. Meade comes out and he says that their prayers must have worked
and Simone is out of the woods. Miguel tells Charity he thinks she's right and that Kay isn't showing any emotion; suddenly
Kay gets her soul back and she's happy and runs to Hank. Miguel tells Charity that maybe they were wrong and Charity says
she thinks her prayers were just answered. Tab wonders if Kay is pretending and she sees Timmy and runs to him; she asks him
if he's behind her getting her soul back and Timmy says he did some good and it feels great and Tab leads him out. Sam goes
to Grace and asks her if she heard the wonderful news; Grace tells Sam she has some news of her own and tells him she wants
them to be together; Sam is happy and they share a kiss and a hug. Sam asks if she sure and Grace says yes and Sam says nothing
will keep them apart. Tim watches and says that Sam and Grace are back together and Tab mentions Charity and Miguel and what
might happen. Kay is talking with Father L and says she has her soul back and she feels wonderful; he warns her that she must
change her ways and she says she won't go after Miguel anymore. Tab says she needs to but a muzzle on Father L and Kay tells
herself she's going to be good and Tab says Kay will learn that being good isn't all it's cracked up to be. Dr. Meade takes
the Russell's aside and warns them that something could be wrong with Simone's brain. Whitney is talking with Simone and tells
her about her promise and tells her that she's going to stick by that promise and she'll never be with Chad again and Chad
has overheard everything.
The Hotchkiss Mansion: Rebecca tells Gwen what she and Julian did to Sheridan and Gwen says
it's terrible and Becky says that she shouldn't be little miss innocent she's trying to break up Ethan and Theresa. Gwen claims
that's a different situation and then says that if Al and Jules can't break up Sheridan and Luis then what chance do they
have of coming between Ethan and Theresa. If she doesn't get Ethan back she doesn't know what she's going to do. Gwen hangs
up after her phone call and Becky has overheard her and asks her if she's happy now and Gwen says she's never felt better,
the end is near and soon Theresa will lose everything. Gwen and her mother talk about how Theresa will be destroyed and they
are going to have everything they want.
The Tabloid Office: The editor asks Mort if he's found out about who sent the email yet
and Mort mentions that his contacts have either been laid off or are on vacation; but if it's the last thing he does he'll
find out who sent that email. The editor asks Mort if he has a plan to find out about the person who sent the email; the phone
rings and Mort begins to talk when the phone rings. Mort looks at the phone and says it's his line and he answers it; there's
a distorted voice on the other line who tells him that the person who sent the email is Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald. Mort asks
if the person is saying that Theresa was the person who sent the email and the person says that's exactly what she's saying;
Mort asks who this is and Gwen says that's not important all he needs to know that Theresa sent the email and she hangs up.
Mort tells his boss that he can't believe that it's Theresa and his boss wonders what kind of source would use a voice distorter;
Mort says he has a feeling in his gut that it's true and now that he has a name he can get confirmation in a matter of hours.
His boss tells him if he gets proof; then he can run with the story. Mort says he can't wait to see Ethan's face when he finds
out that it was his fiancee who ruined his life.
Thursday, June 21, 2001 | Episode #505
The Harmony Park: Ivy is in the park and is remembering a time when she used to meet Sam.
She picks up the rock where they used to leave notes for each other and then tells herself that Sam is confused and she has
to find a way to get rid of that confusion. Ivy takes out some paper and writes Sam a love note when Pilar is walking by and
sees Ivy. Pilar asks what she's doing there and Ivy says she was just writing Sam a note; Pilar says she'll have her heart
broken again and she has to stop the foolishness about Sam; he loves his wife. Ivy says they are separated and Pilar says
maybe but he loves Grace; Ivy says they aren't lovers and the longer they are apart the better her chances are. Ivy seals
her note with a kiss and leaves it; Pilar tells her she's going to embarrass herself and Ivy says she doesn't understand and
Pilar asks her to let it go. Ivy says no; she shouldn't try to get Sam back with a note; she's better in person. Pilar tries
to talk Ivy out of what she's going to do but Ivy says that Grace and Sam are apart and she's going to take advantage of it
and she leaves. After leaving the station Ivy arrives back at the spot where she and Sam used to leave notes for each other.
She takes the note from underneath the rock and rips it up and says to herself that she's lost him; she really lost him.
The Police Station: Sam and Grace are in the bed at the station and they talk about how
much they missed each other. Sam tells Grace she's his heart and they have a lot of time to make up for and Grace agrees and
Sam says what are they waiting for and Grace says not a thing and they kiss. Grace tells Sam they are on to a good start making
up for lost time and Sam promises to spend the rest of his life making it up to her. He suggest that they stay there in bed
all day and Grace says here and Sam realizes that they are in the police station and Grace wonders what they are going to
do about their living arrangements. Sam wants to go to Tab's but Grace says no it's already too crowded and Sam suggest that
they rent a house until they can rebuild their own and Grace agrees. Sam says they will find a place and soon; he makes a
vow that nothing will come between them again and Grace vows the same. Grace tells Sam he's going to be late for work and
Sam doesn't want to move but says that duty calls and Grace gets up and Sam sits on the bed and Ivy comes in. He asks what
she's doing there and she tells him not to get out of bed she'll join him and Grace comes in and Ivy notices Grace is only
in Sam's shirt and looks shocked. Ivy is sputtering and Sam starts in on Ivy and how he wants to be with Grace and Grace says
they are back together and Ivy says she doesn't believe it. Grace says what does she think it is a mirage and she and Ivy
argue about Sam and Sam tells her that all she's done is make his love for Grace stronger. Grace agrees and says she should
thank her because now she knows that Sam's love will not falter. Sam tells Ivy that he's told her the truth all along; Grace
is the woman he loves the only woman he loves. Ivy congratulates Grace and says she'll just leave him alone and she knows
when it's time to let go and at least she'll still have her memories and she leaves. Grace tells Sam she hopes she wasn't
too rough on her and Sam says she has every right to be angry and Grace says she's happy and she doesn't want to have any
bad feelings. Sam says they are finally free of their pasts and Grace says she still feels bad for Ivy and that she wanted
to see her hurt when she was standing there and Sam says that he hopes she finds happiness but it won't be with him. He tells
her that their love is so strong that nothing can come between them. Sam gets off the phone and realizes that there's nothing
they can rent and Grace says at these prices that even if they good find something they couldn't afford it. Sam says there's
no law that she can't come there and Grace asks if there's a law that says he can't sneak into Tab's house. They talk about
how happy they are that they are back together and Grace says that there aren't any more secrets to worry about.
The Mystery Man: We see a man going into a hut of some kind and he tells a woman that the
wind is kicking up and throws her some film. She asks if he got some good shots and he says three or four and she says that
he'll win all kinds of awards. She asks about him moving from place to place and doesn't it bother him not putting down any
roots and he tells her he likes living out of suitcase. She hands him a group of magazines that have been flown in and he
opens one and there's an article on Harmony and the house implosion; he sees that there are photos and then spots one of Grace
and says her name. The woman wonders about what the people went through and the guys asks her if she knows where Harmony is
and the woman tells him New England and the closest big town is Boston and he says interesting. The man is alone and he places
a call on his cell phone and tells the person at the other end that he wants to be booked on a flight to New England, he'll
need a rent-a-car, map and directions to a town called Harmony.
Sheridan's Cottage: Luis comes in and finds Sheridan sitting in a chair looking unhappy
he asks what's wrong and what happened. Sheridan tells Luis she couldn't sleep and she's been up all night miserable. She
asks Luis how could her father and brother could be so cruel; Luis says it's just the way they are. Luis talks about how good
the imposter was and Sheridan says how could they hurt her deliberately. Luis tells her that Al is a monster and Sheridan
agrees, Luis says that they are behind his father disappearance and how they love to tear peoples lives apart. Luis says what
they did to her is unforgivable; Sheridan says it's hard to realize that your family feels nothing for you and going through
the diaries and the albums she realizes that Jules and Al have never cared about her and they never will. Sheridan tells Luis
how it was growing up as a child and how she wanted Al to hug her; how she would have given anything for Al to say that he
was proud of her. She continues to go on about how Al never answered her letters or had any interest in her till she was engaged
to him. She says she was a fool to believe that Al and Jules loved her or cared about her; Luis tries to reassure her and
for a minute it works but Sheridan still is feeling bad. Luis tells her not to cry and Sheridan says the last thing she wants
is to sit there and play poor little rich girl and she'd trade it all just for a father who loved her. Luis tells Sheridan
he's going to do something special for her and he'll give her the best wedding present she could ever dream of and he asks
her what she wants. Sheridan says it's foolish and Luis says he can tell him anything; and Sheridan tells him she wants her
father to walk through that door and say he loves her. Luis says that's the one thing he can't give her and he's sorry. Sheridan
says her father never loved her and Luis tells her that when they have children she'll be swimming in love. Sheridan asks
how many children are they going to have and Luis says they'll keep going till she says stop. Sheridan gets excited for a
moment and mentions if she gives Al a grandson then maybe he'll come around. Luis brings her back down and then asks if she'll
be okay alone and she asks where he's going. Luis tells her he's going to work and he'll be back as soon as he can and he
leaves to get dressed. Sheridan is dressed now and tells herself that Al will never be a part of her life and how many times
does he have to hurt her and let her down, her wish is never going to come true; Al is never going to love you. Luis is telling
his mother at the hospital and tells Pilar exactly what happened. Pilar can't believe it and she tells Luis that Sheridan
has always wanted her father's love but she never got it. She tells Luis that he knows better than to trust Al; Luis mentions
that Sheridan is a strong woman and her only weakness is Alistair. Sheridan is putting away the things she was looking at
when she hears the door close; she asks Luis what he's doing back so soon and she turns and it shocked to see her father.
Al tells Sheridan he came back to see her and for her to come to him and let him give her a hug; it's been too long; far too
long and Sheridan looks shocked.
The Crane Mansion: Julian comes in the library and sees his father and asks if he's getting
an early start on the day and Al says what he's done and then asks what he's doing. Al jumps all over Jules for not being
up hours ago and says he needs him alert. He has an important task ahead of him and he wants his sister dead and he's to kill
her as soon as possible. Jules says it's such a drastic solution and Al says it's the only solution and he wants him to carry
out his orders. Jules tries to say he can't but Al tells him that it has to be done for the good of the family. He goes on
to tell Julian that Luis is relentless and he won't stop till her finds out what happened to his father and he'll have the
power to bring down the house of Crane and he has no intention of going to prison. Al tells Jules he will and he'll be some
muscle guys boy toy before the cell door is shut. Jules tries to bring up his mother and says there must be some other way
and Al says there isn't. Jules says he needs more time to come up with something and Al says he's tried and failed at everything;
Jules tries to come up with something and Al says he'll do what he says. Al wonders what's going on with Sheridan and pulls
out a device to listen in on them. Jules says that's how he knows what's going on and does he listen to him and Becky; Al
says all he hears when he dials them up is animal noises and he tunes in to listen to Sheridan. Al has heard everything that
Sheridan said to Luis and Julian tells him that she still wants his acceptance and his love and Al says yes, she does. Al
listens as Luis tells her he can't give her, her father's love and says Luis is right and he can't give her that only he can.
He stops listening and tells Julian that he's right; there is one thing they haven't tried, he will use Sheridan's need for
his love to destroy her relationship with Luis. Al says they have Sheridan herself to thank for this and Jules says he doesn't
get it; Al asks him when has he ever and tells him that Sheridan has given them the perfect way to split up Sheridan and Luis.
Jules tells his father that what he's going to do is cruel and Al says it's on and for Jules to toughen up and he leaves.
Julian is listening to Al and Sheridan and says his poor sister; either way her life will be destroyed.
Friday, June 22, 2001 | Episode #506
The Hospital: Kay is talking to Simone and asking her if she got hit by the car because
she said that Chad and Whit are in love. Chad is talking with Theresa and Ethan what he heard what Whitney said and says that
Simone didn't here her. He hates that Simone got hurt but he can't let her come between him and Whitney. Theresa and Ethan
offer their help and Chad thanks them and says that getting Whit back will be the biggest challenge of his life. Whit is wondering
why Simone hasn't come too yet and tells her mother that if Simone isn't okay then it's all her fault. Luis is talking to
his mother about Pilar and she tells him that Al has a great power over Sheridan and he can use it to her hurt. Luis agrees
and says thank goodness Al isn't around. Pilar says that Al is like a merciless general and will sacrifice anything and anyone
and all the time she's known him he's never lost. Luis says there's a first time for anything, he and his mother continue
to discuss Al and Pilar says she's (Sheridan) never had Alistair's love and she never will. Eve asks Whit why she says it's
her fault, Whit says she should have kept a better eye on her and had her walk home with her that night. Eve tells her that
it's not her fault and she knows there's nothing she wouldn't do for her sister and Whit agrees and looks at Chad. Chad looks
over and asks Theresa and Ethan did they see that; Whit won't even look at him and there's no way she will go back on her
promise. Chad says they should have told Simone a long time ago, Theresa says after she comes too then they can tell her the
truth. Chad says it maybe too late and Ethan asks why; Chad says he knows Whitney and once she makes up her mind to do something
nothing can change it. Theresa goes over to Whit and asks her when Simone will come too and Whit says that he doesn't know
and blames herself for loving Chad. Theresa tells Whit that Simone deluded herself into believing that Chad loves her; Whit
brings up the fact that Chad kissed Simone and Theresa tells her it was the fog; Whit doesn't want to listen. Theresa tells
her she's getting carried away; Whit says that Simone got hurt because of her; Theresa tells her that ending what she has
with Chad won't do Simone any good; it's not like Chad will fall for Simone because he can't be with her. Whit says that she
will keep her promise and not see Chad anymore and they hear Kay call out. Everyone runs in the room and Kay says she's waking
up and they talk to her and she says she's tired and sore and asks what happened and why is she in the hospital. Eve tells
her and says she's fine; her short-term memory has been lost but it will come back soon and she leaves to call TC. Whit asks
Simone if she remembers anything and she says no all she remembers is a dream she had and she tells her it was a dream about
her and Chad and they were kissing. Whit says that she could have dreamt about all sorts of things. Simone tells Kay that
she was the one who put it in her head that Whit and Chad were in love and asks Whitney if there was anyway she could have
seen them kissing. Chad, Theresa and Ethan are outside the room looking in the window and Chad says come on Whitney, tell
Simone the truth. Whit lies to her and says that she has too much going on in her life to get involved with anyone and Simone
says she knew she was the only girl Chad loved and Chad moves away from the door after hearing everything. Ethan asks Chad
what happened and Chad tells him that Whit had the chance to tell Simone the truth but she didn't do it and she told her they
never kissed and she's too busy to be interested in guys especially him. Chad says that Simone thinks he's in love with her
and Theresa goes to Whitney and tells her again that she should have told Simone the truth. Whit thinks that she did the right
thing and tells Theresa that she has her final wedding dress fitting and Theresa tells her that she's her best friend and
she cares about her more than any dress fitting. Theresa tells her that we get one get love in their lives, Ethan is her love
and Chad is hers and if she throws it away she will regret it the rest of her life. Ethan tells Chad to talk to Whitney and
tell her that Simone won't want him anyway now that he's in love with her sister. Ethan tells Chad to tell Simone the truth
now and Chad agrees and says that they need to nip this in the bud now. Kay comes out and calls Whit's name and Whit goes
inside. Chad asks Theresa about Whit and she says that she feels guilty and she's confused. Simone tells Whit that she has
this feeling that Kay is keeping something from her and asks her if she meant what she said about not loving Chad. Whit tells
her sister that she doesn't love Chad and that there's nothing between them and there never will be and Chad hears everything
and turns away in tears.
The Police Station: Luis is at the station and Hank comes in and asks if he can help him.
Luis tells him that it's police business and Hank says that's what he wants to talk with him about; Hank goes on to tell him
that he wants to join the police force and will he help. Luis says yes and Hank mentions how happy he looks and they discuss
Al and what he can do to Sheridan. Luis has told Hank about Julian and Becky's plot and what happened when they busted them
and he flashes back. He tells Hank that it was the same guy that Sheridan overheard on the wharf and Hank can't believe it.
Luis tells Hank that Julian destroyed the file on his father and he thinks that Jules and Al are afraid that once he marries
Sheridan that he'll be on the estate. He hates it for Sheridan but she's finally seeing Jules and Al for the creeps they really
are. Hank thinks that it'll be hard for her to be away from her family and Luis tells him that a part of Sheridan still thinks
that she can get Alistair's love and after they are married she won't be vulnerable to them anymore. The phone rings and it's
Pilar and she tells Luis that Al is there in Harmony. Luis tells Hank that Al is back in town and says that he's so devious
that he's not going to give him the chance to keep them from getting married. If Al opens up Sheridan's emotional wounds then
he'll kill him.
Sheridan's Cottage: Sheridan tells Al that he didn't come back to see her, he must have
some business deal in Harmony. Al says that's normally true but when he heard the plot that Julian and Becky hatched he had
to come see her. He tells her he came to comfort her and make things right, Sheridan asks really and Al says of course, she's
his daughter and he loves her very much. Sheridan says that she's surprised that he's there and all the things that have happened
to her he was never there. Al claims that he was wrong to but business ahead of his family and continues to talk about Julian's
betrayal to her. Sheridan says it's too late and how can he just walk in and say that he loves her and erase a lifetime of
hurt; she goes on to tell him that it's over and she will never forgive him. Al lies to Sheridan and swears on his mother's
grave that he had nothing to do with the plot that Julian and Becky hatched but Sheridan is still skeptical. Al claims that
Julian did it to her because he was going to make her his heir, Sheridan asks if that's true and Al claims that times have
changed and women are taking over in the work place. Al continues to lay it on by saying he won't lie the Lopez-Fitzgerald's
and the Cranes have never really gotten along but if she wants Luis then he wants her to have him. Sheridan again asks really
and Al says that of course he loves her and wants her to be happy, she does believe him doesn't she? Sheridan says she wants
to believe him but to much has happened. Sheridan tells Al that Julian couldn't have hatched this plot on his own and he had
to have had his approval. Al claims that he didn't know and that Jules got desperate because he thought he would pass him
over as heir again. He tells her that he told Jules that Cranes don't turn on each other like he turned on her; he continues
to manipulate Sheridan and she starts to fall for it. Al tells her she's the most important person in the world to him. Al
says he should have been there for her and Sheridan asks why she didn't come to her funeral. Al says that he wanted to come
but he was afraid he would break down in front of the others and so he grieved alone. He tells her when he heard she was dead
he thought he'd go out of his mind. He tells Sheridan when her mother died he had to throw himself in his work; it was his
way of morning and when he heard she was getting married he had to come back. She'll have children and he'll have a chance
to give them the love and affection he should have gave her. He came home to save her and he's glad to see she's made it on
her own and he doesn't blame her for not forgiving him and just know he wishes her all the happiness in the world and he turns
to leave. Al makes it too the door and starts to open it when Sheridan tells him not to go, don't leave her again and she
runs to his arms and calls him Daddy. Al tells Sheridan that everything is going to be all right now.
The Crane Mansion: Jules listens in as Al manipulates Sheridan and blames him for the plot
to break them up and he's not happy. Becky comes in and asks Jules what's going on and he tells her to be quite and listen
to the master's voice and he's about to use Sheridan's love against her. Jules tells Becky about Alistair's ways and Becky
goes on and on about how Al operates and Julian says she seems to know his father. Becky slips and she couldn't resist him,
she means if he was trying to sway her. They listen as Al swears on his mother's grave that he didn't know about the plot
and Becky says that he has no shame, Julian says to himself that he has a feeling that he isn't the only one. Jules continues
to listen as Al tells Sheridan that a daughter has a special place in a father's heart and talks about how he has to micromanage
Julian's life and Julian isn't happen. Pilar comes in and says she thought she heard Alistair's voice and asks if he's back
in Harmony and Jules tells her it's none of her business and Becky tells her to go back to pretending she's working and Pilar
leaves. Jules says that he can't wait till his divorce is final so he can fire her and Becky says that pleasure will be all
hers. Pilar asks another maid if Al is in town and she confirms it and Pilar says poor Luis and Sheridan. Jules and Becky
continue to listen as Al blames him for every than Becky tells him if it serves the purpose then let him do it. They listen
as Al prepares to leave and Julian says this is it; the moment that Alistair's been building too. Jules wonders what happened,
did Al win or did Sheridan let him walk out, Becky thinks she let him walk out and if so then she will have to die. Jules
says that Sheridan took the bait, Al will reel her in and gut her relationship with Luis. They don't know it yet but his sister
and her fiancee are finished.
Monday, June 25, 2001 | Episode #507
The Police Station: Hank tells Luis to stop with the crazy talk, he won't kill Alistair
Crane. Luis says he'd like too and Hank asks about Sheridan and Luis says she wants her father's love and she's never gotten
it and that's why he's back in Harmony. He tells Hank that Al will use her need for love against her and decides to call her.
The answering machine picks up and Luis leaves a message. Luis thinks that he should go over there and says that Sheridan's
guard is down and it's a perfect time for Al to strike and they decided to leave to go over there.
The Crane Mansion: Becky wonders why they can't hear anything and Jules says that Sheridan
is too overcome with emotion to talk. Becky says that Al is so cold to his own daughter and Jules says that Al has no need
in his life for love. Jules and Bec listen as Alistair continues to play Sheridan and Julian tells her to listen as Al reels
Sheridan in. Jules says listen to the master and once Al gets Sheridan out of town he'll make sure she never gets back to
Luis. Jules and Becky listen as Al tries to persuade Sheridan to go to Paris with him and Julian says it's all over but the
bon voyage party. Jules and Becky hear Sheridan go off on Alistair and Becky wonders what they are going to do. Jules says
they need to get to the cottage and calm Alistair down and they head out.
Sheridan's Cottage: Sheridan says he does love her he really does and Al says of course
and he was horrified to find out about Julian's scheme. Sheridan says she thought that the two of them planned it together
and Al says he can't believe she thought that. Al continues to play Sheridan and tells her he was too upset about her mother's
death to spend time with her but it's over now and she won't be alone again. The phone rings and Sheridan says that's Luis
and Al tells her not to answer, he doesn't want to share her now that they've found one another again. Al tells Sheridan that
she can talk to Luis later and to give her father someone on one time with his little girl. Sheridan says she waited her how
life to hear him say he loves her and then she asks him to walk her down the aisle. Al claims to want to get to know Luis
better and Sheridan says that would be a wonderful wedding gift. She tells him that she and Luis are getting married right
away and they don't have a lot of time. Al claims there goes his surprise; he was hoping that the two of them could take a
trip to Europe, just the two of them and Sheridan smiles. Luis arrives and sees Al with Sheridan and he says he knew that
Al came home to finish off the plan. Hank asks what he's going to do and Luis says that Sheridan needs to figure out what
her father is doing on her own. Al tells her he has no right to asks her to postpone her wedding but he's not getting any
younger, he tells her about a church in Paris where he first kissed her mother. Sheridan says really and Al tells her they
would only be gone a couple of weeks, but of course her wedding is much more important. Luis is very upset and Hank tells
him to go inside and tells Sheridan that her father is playing her. Luis says he can't Sheridan has to be the one who see
that Al never loved her and he never will. Al claims that the trip would make up for all the time they lost and they could
fly to Paris tonight. Sheridan says that she wants to marry Luis right away and this is something that she's always dreamed
of she wants to do things with him like other fathers and daughters and him coming home after Julian did this means so much
to her. Luis is upset and tells Hank that Al is trying to blame this entire thing on Julian and he encourages Sheridan to
think and realize what Al is doing. Luis says if Sheridan goes to Europe with her father then they can forget about getting
married. Al asks Sheridan to go Europe with him and Sheridan says no and tells Al that he must have this cottage wired and
he must have heard what she said to Luis and he's disgusting. Al tries to talk his way out of it but Sheridan doesn't fall
for it and tells him that she didn't think anyone could stoop lower than him and she knows that Jules didn't come up with
that scheme on his own because he never does anything without his approval. Al grabs Sheridan's arm and tells her that she
will listen to him and she will not marry that lowlife cop from the other side of the tracks. Luis bust into the door and
calls Sheridan's name and she rushes to his side and they hug. Meanwhile Al turns away and he is livid. Sheridan introduces
Al to Luis and Hank and Hank tells him he's met some sleazy people in his time but he takes the cake. Al says he doesn't have
to stand for this and wants to leave but Luis stops him and tells him he's not going anywhere till he's done with him. He
tells Al he's a loser, Al says he's one of the wealthiest most powerful Luis says loser he goes on to tell him that Sheridan
is a wonderful person and that he's the luckiest man in the world and Al is the sorriest. Jules and Becky are outside listening
and Jules says that Luis doesn't know it yet but he just signed Sheridan death warrant. Sheridan tells him she can't keep
away from the wedding and that she will walk down the aisle by herself and Al tells her that she really thinks that she knows
everything about him but she doesn't know everything about herself. Sheridan asks what he's talking about and Luis says he
just wants to get in the last word. Sheridan tells her father goodbye and Al leaves. Outside Jules and Becky tell Al that
they are sorry and Al says they know what they must do. Hank leaves the room to make the coffee and Sheridan tells Luis that
now she knows the truth and that nothing will come between them and they kiss. Meanwhile Jules and Becky look on and Julian
says he'll have to kill his own sister.
Tabitha's House: Sam and Grace are walking towards Tab's house and are exchanging I love
yous and the kids come out throwing flowers at them. Reese wonders if Tab is running around without her head and says she's
a witch and he's going to prove it. Tab and Tim are in the attic and Tab tells him that she can't go back downstairs without
her head on straight. Tim says sorry and he has a flashback, Tab tells him to help her sew her head back on and Tim says he
hates needles. Charity says she's happy they worked everything out and Jessica says she knew they would. Sam says he doesn't
know what he did to deserve her and she says about 20 years ago when he rescued her from the fire and they kiss. Miguel tells
Charity that's what he wants when they get married and they share a kiss and Kay walks up behind them and says she has to
be good. Everyone asks how Simone is and Kay says she's okay, Kay notices her parents and Jessica says they are back together
and they all hug. Charity watches and says she was crazy to think she didn't have a soul and Jessica wonders where Tab is.
Tim is sewing on Tab's head and she tells him to make sure the stitches are straight. Tim is finally finished and Tab says
they better get downstairs before some smart aleck starts looking for her. Reese comes in and asks if she always comes to
an attic to do her sewing and she says she does and heads out. Tab and Tim are heading down the stairs and Reese is right
behind and asks her why the scarf and she pokes him and he falls down the stairs. Jessica tells her that her parents are back
together and Tab says that's great. Reese pulls Jessica outside and says that he's this close to proving that Tab is witch
and Jessica tells him to give it a rest. Back inside Sam thanks Tab for giving them a place to stay and Kay offers to make
everyone lunch and everyone is surprised and Kay heads out to do so. Tab watches Sam and Grace and says why don't we all sing
oh happy day and throw up, Tim says he likes it and Tab says that Kay won't change and that Sam and Grace can enjoy themselves
now but it will be short lived. Meanwhile the stranger picks up the keys to his car and asks how far to Harmony. Reese tells
Jessica he can prove it and he runs back inside and moves Tab's scarf and says I told you, her head has been sewn back on
and everyone looks shocked. Reese says see for yourself Tab's head has been sewn on and that proves she's a witch. Sam tells
Reese that he owes Tab an apology and Tab says that what he saw were scratches from her rose bush. Jessica tells Reese not
one more word about Tabitha and she's the nicest old lady she knows. Tab and Tim go into the kitchen with Kay and Tab tries
to persuade Kay not to give up on Miguel. Tab asks Kay how are things with her and Miguel and Kay says that she's not going
after Miguel again. Tab says she's not going to let that stop her is she and Kay says he loves Charity and that's that, she
has to be good and she heads out. Tim says that she's gone straight and Tab says when bad people say they're going to be good
that's when the trouble starts. Reese asks Kay did she see the scratches on Tab's neck and she tells him if he says one more
word then she'll never talk to him again. Kay wonders what they should do and Miguel says no prom and Kay says she doesn't
want to have a party and Reese suggest that they go back to the original settlement and everyone says no. Sam and Grace are
sweeping outside and Grace says she's happy and that she realizes she's luckier than Ivy and nothing will come between them
again. The stranger is in the rental car and talks about Grace's bed and breakfast and he's on his way there. Sam and Grace
finish up outside and decided to try to sneak by the kids to head upstairs when Tabitha catches them. Jessica tells them to
come and help them choose a place for their end of the year school trip and they head into the living room. The kids are going
through the maps and Charity says that she found a place and hands the atlas to Miguel; Miguel looks at it and says oh Warlock
Island and Tab faints dead away.
Tuesday, June 26, 2001 | Episode #508
Tabitha's House: Sam tries to bring Tabitha to and Grace leaves to get her some water. While
in the kitchen Grace shivers and Jessica comes in and asks if she's okay and she tells her that she has a feeling of danger
nearby. Jessica takes the water and Grace starts to head out but stops at the window and looks out and when she leaves the
window the stranger says I found you Grace I finally found you. Sam brings Tab too and they sit her on the couch, Jessica
asks her if her hitting the floor had to do with their trip to Warlock Island. Sam begins to tell the kids about the island
and they all move over to the map. Tab tells Tim that when she had her powers she used them to keep people away and she'll
never set foot on that island again. Grace goes back to the kitchen to get Tab some juice and the kids are discussing going
to the island and Tab says they have to stop them. Tab tells them that island is crawling with snakes and bears and Reese
asks how she knows so much about the island and he checks his computer and then says that are no snakes or bears on the island.
Sam tells Tab that he appreciates her concern but if the kids once to go why not and the kids cheer. Grace is squeezing oranges
for Tab's juice when she gets another feeling and goes to the window and says what's wrong with her today. The kids asks Sam
how the island got its name and Sam says that he's not sure he's the person to tell the story and asks Tab to do it. Tab says
that she knows very little and that Sam can tell them much more. Sam begins to tell the kids about the island, he tells them
that almost 300 years ago a group of warlocks wanted to take over Harmony and that the island was their headquarters. He says
that their idea was to spread evil throughout but when they got to the island they realized that they didn't bring their scepters
and she brought their scepters for them but she brought the wrong ones and the energy turned on them and destroyed them. Sam
says they were transport to another dimension and that on certain nights you can hear them screaming in pain. Reese looks
at Tab and says her hair is as white as flour and now do they believe that she's a witch. Reese says that first she claimed
to know all about it and now she doesn't know anything and when someone tells an old story about it then her hair turns white.
Tab says that her hair is white because of the water they threw on her hair washed out the color and she begins to cry and
Sam tells Reese to apologize and this time he wants to hear it. Reese says sorry and Grace says that they should leave to
give Tab some peace and everyone leaves. Tim asks if she was the witch who gave them the wrong scepters and if she steps foot
on the island again she'll be the one that explodes. Everyone is in the kitchen and Grace tells them all go leave and plan
their trip and they do. Sam offers to help her with the dishes and she agrees and goes to take out the trash and asks who's
there. Sam comes out and asks if she's okay and Grace says she has the feeling that she's being watched. Sam looks and says
that there is no one around and Grace says that it's like something bad is going to happen. Sam tells her that the bad times
are behind them and Grace agrees and says there's nothing to threaten their lives and they go inside. The stranger comes out
of hiding and says wrong Grace there is a threat to your life out here. The kids are talking about supplies and Sam offers
to loan them the department stuff. Grace thanks Tab again for worrying about the kids. Tab tells Tim that it's not the brats
she's worried about and that if Miguel and Charity get to the island then they are doomed.
The Tabloid Office: Mort's boss asks for an update about the email and he tells him that
he doesn't have proof yet but maybe they should run the story anyway. His boss tells him that Ethan may not be a Crane but
they could still face the wrath of Julian and Alistair and he wants to be 100% sure before he runs the story.
The Hotchkiss Mansion: Gwen is in her room with a bowl of chips and reads the article about
Ethan and Theresa's wedding. The article mentions Theresa being the queen of hyphens and Gwen says she won't be the queen
of anything and she chops down on some chips. Gwen talks to herself about calling the tabloid and then has a couple of flashbacks
one of emailing the tabloid and another of when she confronted Theresa and she smiles. Gwen is dialing a phone number when
Rebecca comes in and asks what's she doing. Gwen tells her mother that she's calling the paper to find out why they haven't
printed the story yet. Becky tells her to just wait and Gwen says no. Mort picks up the phone and Gwen asks why the story
hasn't run yet. Mort tells her that he either needs her name or someone who can attest to the fact that the email address
is Theresa's; if he has that, then he'll print a special addition tonight. Gwen covers the phone and tells her mother that
she needs to give them proof and Becky tells her not to give them another thing. Gwen says that if she gives him proof then
Ethan can be back in her arms by tomorrow night and Becky tells her if he finds out it came from them he'll never speak to
her again. Becky begs Gwen to think about what she's doing and she takes a chip herself and eats it; while Gwen continues
to hold the phone.
Sheridan's Cottage: Theresa and Ethan show up and Ethan tells them he's happy that they
stood up to Al. Luis and Sheridan tells them what happened and Theresa says that when two people belong together nothing can
come between them and Luis tells her he's starting to believe her. Theresa looks at the mask and says that it's him down to
the last detail and Ethan agrees. They talk about how they turned the tables on Jules and Becky and Luis says now he knows
he's marrying the most incredible woman in the world. Theresa tells Ethan that she can't believe that what Sheridan and Luis
had to go through and if he thinks that Jules and Al would have did the same to them. Ethan tells her that it wouldn't have
worked on them either, no matter of manipulation is stronger than his love for her and they kiss. A cop brings over a bug
detector and Luis starts looking around the cottage for them. Luis finds the bug in the lamp and Sheridan is upset that they
were listening in on them. Luis takes the bug outside and tells Al to listen up; he tells him that their love is stronger
than anything that they can come up with and then throws the bug down and stomps on it. Luis and Ethan come in and say that
they found another one. Ethan goes on to say that he's happier than he ever was when he was a Crane and he's glad he has none
of their genes. Sheridan says she is a blood Crane and she hopes she never treats her children the way Al treated her. Luis
tells Sheridan she will be the best mother any child could have and Ethan agrees. Luis says don't they have a wedding to get
ready for and Ethan says he knew there was something he had scheduled for this week and everyone laughs. Theresa and Luis
go to get the champagne and Ethan tells Sheridan that she can be happy away from the Cranes if that's what she wants and she
says she does. Theresa tells Luis that she's glad Ethan isn't a Crane, now Jules and Al don't care who he marries. Luis tells
Theresa that Rebecca does and that if she has anything that they can use against her then she better watch her back. Theresa
looks guilty and then says she doesn't but even if she did they would have used it already, Luis says okay and Theresa looks
worried. Luis pours the champagne and Sheridan says that she can't believe that by tomorrow night they will al be married
people starting their new lives together; Theresa says she can and Ethan toasts, they all sip and the group exchanges kisses
with their loved ones.
The Crane Mansion: Al is ranting to Jules and Becky and he tells Jules that he better hope
that his penchant for failure better not be rubbing off on him or Sheridan won't be the only Crane to die before their time.
Becky tries to take up for Jules but Al warns her about getting on his bad side and tells Jules there's only way to make sure
that Sheridan doesn't marry Luis and that Jules will have to kill her. Al tells them that if Luis marries Sheridan then he
will continue to investigate his father's disappearance. Becky sticks her hands in her ears and begins to hum and Jules asks
her what she's doing. Becky says she doesn't need all the details and Al tells her to can it; she's in too deep now. Jules
suggest that Al be the one to kill Sheridan and he tells him that he never gets his hands dirty he delegates and he will be
the one to kill Sheridan, does he make himself clear. Becky wants to leave and Al tells her not so fast and she will assist
Julian in the murder of his sister. Becky says she doesn't see how she could help and Al tells her to help Julian kill Sheridan
or the two of them will never marry and then he tells her she can leave and she does so. Jules says he can't possibly tell
him who he can or can't marry and Al says that he'll tell him when he can go to the bathroom if he wants too. He tells Jules
not to pout, if everything goes as planned then he'll be his one and only heir. Becky is on her way when her phone rings and
it's Gwen. Gwen says she can't find any mention of Theresa in the new edition of the tabloid and maybe she should call them
back. Becky tells her that she's scaring her; it's as if she believes that Theresa really did send the email instead of them
and Gwen says she knows that they did it. Becky tells her it's more fitting for Theresa to be destroyed on her wedding day
and Gwen says she doesn't care what's more fitting; she wants Theresa destroyed Now and she hangs up. Al tells Jules he needs
more specifics on the wedding plans and Jules says all he knows is soon and then decides to listen in. Al realizes that Luis
is on to them and he's very upset they hear Ethan says he's getting a formal education on his former family and Al goes off
and says that when Ethan was a Crane they gave him everything he could have wanted. There is a lot of feedback after Luis
destroys the bug and Al tells him to enjoy his victory now because his beloved will die and he will wish that he were the
one they had murdered. Jules asks about the plan and Al tells him that he'll douse her wedding ring with poison and she'll
never get to her I do's. Al explains how Sheridan will die at the alter and Jules asks about the police and Al says that the
Crane medical staff will swear she died of natural causes and Jules says that she's so young. Al says that so was Katherine
and that people will assume that the women die young in the family. The jeweler comes by and Al demands that he brings the
rings to him first. The jeweler doesn't want to comply but Al tells him if he doesn't then he'll ruin his business and he'll
be polishing silver at the local flea market and the man agrees. Jules tells his father that it's a brilliant plan and Al
agrees. Al tells him that Sheridan's death prevents her marriage to Luis, which will prevent him gaining access to the family.
With Sheridan dead Luis life will be over; Jules says that he does love Sheridan and Al agrees and says that he's full of
middle class values about love and family. He has no doubt that Sheridan's death will eat away at him for all his days and
her death will be the death that keeps on giving; pain to Luis that is and he laughs.
Wednesday, June 27, 2001 | Episode #509
The Hotchkiss Mansion: The reporter asks Gwen again how she knows and Becky begs her to
not give him any more information. Mort tells her once again if she can verify the information then he will put out a special
edition today. Becky places the call on hold and once again begs Gwen not to say anything but Gwen is determined and tells
Mort she will tell him everything. She tells him she's positive because she knows for a fact that Theresa knew he was Sam
Bennett son and she says hello but Becky has pulled the plug. She promises Gwen that they will destroy Theresa before she
says her I do's. Gwen's phone rings and at first Becky is afraid that it's the reporter but it's Sheridan. She requests Gwen's
presence at the bridal shop right away.
Sheridan's Cottage: The foursome toast again and suddenly Sheridan remembers that they have
their final dress fitting and Ethan reminds Luis they need to be fitted for their tuxes and the decide to head out. Luis warns
Theresa again about Rebecca and Gwen, Theresa tells her brother that there is nothing they can do and Luis says he just wants
her to be happy and Ethan comes in and says he'll make her the happiest woman alive. Sheridan comes in and says that might
be a problem because Luis has made her the happiest woman alive; they laugh and decide to share the title and the group heads
out for their appointments.
The Tuxedo Shop: The guys are at the tux shop and Hank comes in. He starts to tease both
guys about having a ball and chain and Ethan and Luis assure him that they can't wait to be husbands and Ethan says one day
fathers. Chad arrives at the shop and Ethan asks him about the music. Chad tells him that everything is already programmed
and all he has to do is push a button. Ethan says that's good so then he can concentrate on getting back together with Whitney.
Chad tells Ethan he's tried everything but Whit is still determined to end it all.
The Bridal Shop: The group arrives at the bridal shop and the men leave the woman to their
fittings. Theresa tells Sheridan she needs some advice. Theresa tells her that she and Ethan want a family but they can't
afford to have children right now. Sheridan realizes that she doesn't want to go against the churches teachings and advises
her to talk to Father Lonigan and then see a doctor. Theresa thanks her and Abigail comes out and asks if they are ready.
Theresa asks Sheridan if she's coming and she says yes but she needs to make a call. Sheridan and Theresa come out of the
dressing room and admire their dresses and Theresa thanks Sheridan but tells her she will go to confession after she starts
using birth control. Sheridan tells her that she and Ethan will be great together when Gwen comes in. Gwen assumes that Sheridan
doesn't want her to be maid of honor anymore and Sheridan can't get a word in edgewise. Sheridan tells Gwen that she knows
she isn't like her mother and says even when Ethan broke off his engagement to her she didn't do anything to get even with
Theresa and Gwen looks guilty. Whit has arrived and she tells Theresa she looks beautiful, Theresa suggest that they practice
throwing their bouquets and they do so. Gwen catches Theresa's and Whit catches Sheridan's and Sheridan says their two best
friends will be the next to get married and Gwen says to herself maybe sooner than you think. The men arrive at the shop and
almost catch the women in their gowns and Sheridan and Theresa run to hide before they get caught. The guys have champagne
and the ladies come out, Chad makes a toast first and then Hank. Theresa says it's a dream come true and Gwen says to herself
more like a nightmare and that Theresa's wedding day will be the worst day of her life.
The Hospital: Simone is asking Whit for soda and she tells her she can always count on her
and Whit says no one can come between their relationship. Whit goes out to get her a soda and Chad begs her to tell Simone
the truth and not to throw away what they have. Whit refuses to budge and tells Chad it's over and she never wants to see
him again. Chad begs Whit to talk to him and she says no and for him to leave her alone and she walks away. A nurse comes
up to Chad and tells him to buy her some flowers and Chad decides to give it a try. Chad arrives and gives the flowers to
Whitney and begs her once again not to throw their relationship away. Whitney is touched and she and Chad hug and exchange
their I love yous and they decide to tell Simone the truth. Suddenly Simone calls out and then comes out of her room; she
notices the flowers and thinks they are for her but Chad tells her there is something he must tell her. Chad tries to tell
Simone the truth but Whitney stops him. Whit gives Simone her soda but then tells her she must leave for the bridal shop and
so Simone asks Chad to stay but he says he must leave for the tux shop and they both go out. Chad stops Whitney and asks her
why she just lied to Simone again and Whit backs out and says they have to keep the promise. The kids arrive to tell Simone
about their trip and she is excited. Charity, Miguel and Reese leave to ask a friend about a camp stove and Simone and Kay
talk. Kay tells her she got her soul back and that she's going to be good and Simone is happy for her. However Kay's promise
doesn't last long as she watches Miguel and Charity and she decides that she's going to get Miguel to sleep with her. Charity
is in the hallway alone after the guys leave to talk with their friend and she has a vision of a raven and two crossed scepters;
she wonders to herself what it means.
Tabitha's House: Grace and Sam come inside and Sam reassures Grace that everything will
be fine while the stranger looks on. The kids talk about going to the island and Reese says she looks scared. Tab says again
that the water washed hair dye out, Miguel tells him to leave Tab alone. Tim and Tab discuss the island again and how it will
be a disaster if the kids go. The kids continue to discuss the trip and Tab tells Timmy that it might be a good idea for them
to go and if Charity and Miguel die then they will be free forever. Jessica decided that they should all clear out to give
Sam and Grace some alone time and they do so, Sam and Grace dance and hold each other while the stranger watches. The stranger
arrives at the B&B and asks for a room, Jessica tells him they have a vacancy and the man says Jessica looks just like
her mother. Jessica wonders how the man knows what her mother looks like and he says he's seen her pictures in newspapers.
Tab and Tim are trying to dye her hair back and while Timmy is taking care of the dying Tab reads the ancient scrolls, she
says that they says that the kids will take a trip to the island and one of the Bennett girls will be in trouble before then
and says that Jessica is in trouble as we speak. She asks Tim how it's coming and he pulls out some of her hair and says he
promises he won't have a head full of thick white hair anymore. Sam and Grace continue to enjoy their time together when Grace
gets a feeling that something is wrong; Sam tells her again everything's fine and goes to make her some tea. Jessica has shown
the stranger to his room and he says that it is just perfect. Jessica turns to leave and ask the stranger opens his suitcase
and picks up a gun he asks her to stay; he has some questions. Meanwhile Grace is alone in the living room and has a vision
of Jessica about to be shot and she runs out. Tab is underneath the hair dryer and she tells Timmy that Charity horoscope
is full of gloom and doom. Timmy moves over to the chart and asks Tab if she sure she read it right; Tab says she did but
Timmy tells her to come take a look. That's not Charity's horoscope that's her's; Tab says he's right and they are the ones
that will go kaboom.
Thursday, June 28, 2001 | Episode #510
Tabitha's House: Tab tells Timmy they are doomed and Timmy says what's the we business and
Tab tells him that his wagon is hitched to her star. Tim says he doesn't want to be doomed and Tab says she doesn't either
and says she hasn't done anything good. Sam stops Grace from running out and she says that Jessica is in danger. We see a
repeat of the scene with the gun and Sam says they will go check on her. The stranger asks Jessica about the house and Jessica
tells him it was their house and he says it must have been hard on her mother and Jessica says she's better now. The stranger
asks if both her parents we born in Harmony and Jessica says her father was but her mother was born in Boston. The stranger
says yes, Boston. Sam and Grace arrive at the B&B and call out for Jessica. Jessica comes down stairs and Grace grabs
her in a hug and asks what's wrong. Sam tells her they were worried and Grace tells her about her feelings and a man with
a gun. Jessica says she didn't see anyone with a gun and Sam asks about the new guest; Jessica tells her father that he's
fine. Tab looks at the chart a different way and says the gloom and doom isn't for them; it's for someone else. Timmy asks
who and Tab just laughs, Tim says when Tabitha is this happy it usually means big trouble for someone else. Jessica asks if
they are back to normal and Grace says yes and Jessica leaves to clean up the kitchen and Grace says she has the feeling again
that there is danger nearby. The stranger is talking with someone on the phone and says he's not coming back just yet, there's
something he has to do. Tab mentions the alignment of the stars are hard to read and then says that could be it and Tim asks
what and Tim says someone nearby is in danger. Tim says he hopes it isn't Charity and Tab says it's not her but it could be
Grace. The stranger says he has to be sure before he makes his move and he'll let him know when he's done. Sam tells Grace
she's just acting from the stress and no one is threatening their family. Grace says how does he know and Sam says that Ivy
finally got the message, Jessica is in the kitchen, Noah called and he's okay and Kay's at the church; everything is fine
and nothing will come between them again. Sam and Grace are walking outside and Sam tells her that soon they will have a home
again and he tells Grace that nothing bad is going to happen to them again. Tab says she sees lots of pain and suffering and
more than one person in trouble. Grace and Kay for sure, Theresa will suffer; major heartache and agony for her and Sheridan;
Sheridan is really in for it. She tells Timmy she wants a front row seat for this. Tab closes a book and tells Tim that it
was wrong to try to figure out who is going to suffer. Tim says he's glad that it's not him and his princess and Tab says
she didn't say that. Tim looks through telescope and says something strange is going on at the B&B. Jessica asks her dad
if she can go to the church and Sam tells her yes. Grace says that Sam is right and there's nothing to worry about and meanwhile
the stranger looks down and takes pictures of Grace.
The Crane Mansion: Al tells Julian that he's achieved genius with this plan and tells him
that this will guarantee that Luis won't gain access to their secrets and when he puts it on the ring and his sister puts
it on she will be dead. The phone rings and it's Mr. Bradbury and he tells him that he wants him to bring the rings to the
church and he wants to drop by and pick up the rings and Jules tells him yes. Al says perfect; Sheridan will die tonight at
the wedding rehearsal. Al is instructing Julian how to put the poison on the ring and Jules reads the inscription To Death
Do Us Part Al says that soon Luis will have his wish. Al tells Julian to be careful but to hurry up. He wants to go to the
church and watch but Julian doesn't and Al says it's natural for Sheridan's father and brother to be there. Mr. Bradbury comes
to get the rings and he leaves, Julian is nervous and goes to get a drink and Al tells him everything will go as planned now.
Jules asks if Al wants a drink and he says no they can't show up with liquor on their breath as they grief for Sheridan. Jules
says he talks about it as if it's a play and Al says you have to pay to see a play and this is free. He mentions that he won't
miss Sheridan's funeral this time and Jules says he's cold. Al says it's the survival of the fittest and tells Julian to come
on; he doesn't want to miss it and they leave.
The Bridal Shop: Sheridan says she doesn't think she'll get any sleep tonight and Luis says
he doesn't think he will either. Theresa asks Whit can she believe that she's marrying the man of her dreams and she told
her that fate would make it happen. Ethan decides to make a toast and thanks his friends for standing by him and too the most
beautiful woman in the world, Theresa and the to the most beautiful words in the world I Do and he and Theresa kiss. Gwen
watches and says that she's sorry but he won't say them to Theresa but he will say them to her.
The Church: Ivy says that she can't believe this day would ever come and that their children
would be getting married. Pilar says no but she can't believe that Luis is marrying into the Crane family. Ivy tells her that
it's Jules and Al she can't believe. They talk about how they tried to break them up and Pilar says she can't believe that
she's losing her son and daughter at the same time. Ivy tells her that she's not losing them she's gaining a wonderful son
and daughter in law. Pilar agrees and Ivy starts to talk about love and she tells Pilar that she is giving up on Sam. Pilar
says that she doesn't believe her and does she have some new scheme and Ivy says no and tells Pilar what happened. Pilar says
she's sorry for Ivy's pain but she's glad for Sam and Grace and Ivy says she's held on to a dream for over 20 years but she
won't be a fool any longer. The group arrives at the church and Ethan goes to Kay and tells her that she's his half sister
and Kay says she'd like that. He ask if she and Jessica will be part of their ceremony and Kay accepts. Miguel tells Kay that
they are family, when he and Charity get married then she'll be his cousin in law and when Theresa marries Ethan she'll be
his half sister in law so they will all be family. Kay says to herself she must be good. Sheridan says that in less then 24
hours they will walk out of the church as Mr. and Mrs. Luis Lopez Fitzgerald and she and Luis hug. Theresa tells Ethan she's
glad he's making the effort to get to know the Bennett's and Ethan says he won't do to her what Sam did to Grace, he'll be
totally honest with her. Gwen says to herself that when Ethan finds out Theresa knew the truth and kept it from him he'll
change his tune. The band comes in and Chad greets them and Ethan and Theresa come over. Chad suggest that they show them
what they can do and they start to play and Luis asks them to stop and says he wants to make sure that they all know their
places tomorrow. Ethan tells Theresa that he didn't know that Luis was such a stickler for detail and she says he's like a
general in the Army but a lovable one. Charity asks Miguel if they are getting married in this church and Miguel says yes;
his parents got married here and Luis and Theresa are too, it's their good luck church. Charity says that they don't need
luck they have each other. Kay watches and then goes to the angel to pray and says she's not sure if she can help herself
and a tear falls on Kay's hand and at first she thinks the angel is crying and then says it can't be. Sheridan tells Luis
she's getting nervous and is he; Luis says there's nothing to be nervous about. Sheridan goes and thanks the Holy Mother for
answering her prayers, she's finally going to marry a man who will love and protect her for the rest of her life. She says
she's willing to lose her father and brother for Luis and she was asking too much for her father and brother to wish her happiness.
Ethan tells Chad that as soon as this is over he wants them to break into the tabloid office, Chad tells Ethan to put it out
of his head; he'll take care of everything and to consider it his wedding present. Gwen comes over and tells Ethan that Chad
is a good friend and she can't wait to find out who sent the email and she looks over at Theresa. Luis calls everyone to their
places and Father Lonigan says he assumes that the best men have the rings. Chad says he has Ethan and Theresa's and Hank
tells Luis he didn't tell him to pick them up. Luis says he told the jeweler to drop them off and Mr. Bradbury comes in and
gives the rings to Luis. Father L starts and Luis looks at Sheridan's ring and says till death do us part. Father L prays
for the brides and grooms and starts the ceremony and Al and Jules come in. Julian says this is harder than he thought and
Al tells him to be a man. Father L calls for the rings and Luis says they should try it on for size and he starts to place
the ring on her finger.
Friday, June 29, 2001 | Episode #511
The Church: Luis is telling Sheridan he wants to make sure the ring fits and Chad is talking
to himself and saying that Whitney can't keep pushing him away like this. Charity gets lightheaded and Miguel takes her outside.
Father Lonigan tells Luis to repeat after him with this ring I thee wed. Al says they should change the words to with this
ring you shall be dead. Julian gets upset and tells his father he can't believe his attitude and Al tells him to suck it up.
Sheridan tells Luis if she didn't know better she'd think he had pre wedding jitters. Hank looks at Gwen and says he bets
he knows what's going through her head. Luis drops the ring and Hank asks him what did he say about not having the jitters.
Luis says he's calm, cool and collected. Chad says that they'll believe that when they see it. Al reminds Julian why Sheridan
has to die and Julian says that why does she have to die in such a cruel way. Al tells him that the coroner is in their pocket
and there won't be a trace of the poison. Charity falls and then holds her stomach and Miguel asks if she's okay. Pilar stops
Luis and Ethan from putting the rings on the women's fingers and tells them that it's a tradition in her family as well as
her country not to put the rings on and then take them off. Theresa says she remembers her telling them that and tells Sheridan
that they can't put the rings on. Sheridan doesn't want to break the tradition but Luis wants to make sure the ring fits.
Sheridan tells him that the jeweler sized her finger and it will fit fine. Luis agrees to wait. Al damns the housekeeper with
her third world superstitions and tells Julian that they will have to wait till tomorrow. Charity suddenly feels better and
she tells Miguel she doesn't know what happened and Miguel says she grabbed her stomach like she was being poisoned. Julian
wants to leave but Father L comes up and says Cuban cigars and says hello to Al. Chad goes over to Whitney and tells her that
it could be them one day and Whit says no it can't her promise means everything to her. Chad says that he loves her and she
loves him. Whit says it doesn't matter, it's over. Theresa and Ethan come over and Theresa talks about how happy she is and
Whit says she's happy for her. Theresa says there's one more errand she needs to run and Ethan suggest that she and Whit take
care of it and they will meet them at the book cafe. Theresa says okay and she and Whit start to head out. Whit asks where
they are going and Theresa says to the doctor for birth control and they leave. Hank goes over to Gwen and asks how she is
holding up. Gwen says she's fine and Hank says it must be tearing her up, Gwen says that he is wrong and Hank says he doesn't
think so; she's still in love with Ethan. Ivy and Pilar talk and Ivy worries that she won't have anything. Ethan sees Jessica
and asks her if she would like to read a passage and Jessica says she would. Father L asks Al how long it's been since he's
been in the inside of a church and Al says when he married him. Father L tells him that he noticed that he didn't attend his
wife's funeral. Al says that he doesn't socialize with people who take what's his. Father L knows he means God and he tells
Al that God has a plan for us all. Al says he didn't come for a sermon and that Father L needs to understand that God may
rule Heaven but he rules earth and he throws his cigar into some holy water. Sheridan tells Luis she can't wait to be his
wife and he promises to make all her dreams come true tomorrow and he suggest that they spend a quiet evening together at
the cottage and Sheridan tells him they can't be together tonight. In fact she wants him to move out of the cottage. Miguel
asks Charity if she still feels like she's in someone else's body and she says no; suddenly she has a premonition of Sheridan
in her wedding dressing writhing in pain. Miguel asks if she's having a vision and she tells him that she has a feeling that
something bad is going to happen. Hank asks Gwen again if she's in love with Ethan and Gwen says it's none of his business.
Hank says she's wrong and he warns her about trying to hurt Theresa. Gwen tells him that she knows that Ethan and Theresa
are in love and that there is nothing she can do about it and she doesn't want to; it's time for her to move on. Hank says
good and tells her since she is the maid of honor and he's the best man they should have a drink together. Gwen says how does
not a chance sound and Hank says you can't blame a guy for trying. Jessica and Kay arrive outside and Jessica tells Charity
that Ethan asked him to be part of the wedding. Charity tells her that she's happy for her and Kay says to herself that she
promised to be good and Miguel asks if she's all right. Kay says she's fine and there's a lot more decorating to be done and
she heads back towards the church. Sheridan explains to Luis that they can't stay together tonight and Luis tries to talk
her out of it but Sheridan insists. Al and Jules watch as they head out of the church and Julian wants to leave. Al tells
him if he wants to be his heir then he's going to have to lose his conscience, they head out of the church and they are spotted
by Pilar and Ivy and Pilar heads out after them. Pilar stops them outside the church and demands to know what they are up
too. Charity asks Miguel what its going to be like when they get married and he tells her and they share a kiss as Kay watches
and has a fantasy of marrying Miguel. Pilar stops them and warns them about hurting her children and promises to destroy them
if they try. Julian says this from the hired help; Pilar tells him that she may answer to him at his house but this is God's
house and they are equals. She tells them she knows about the imposter scheme and Julian claims he was just looking out for
his sister. Al tells Julian it's time they admit defeat and acknowledges the truth but tells Pilar that they realize they've
lost. Pilar tells them she knows why they don't want them together, it's because Luis might find out the truth about her husband;
she tells them both not to bother showing up tomorrow; they aren't welcome and Al says as she wishes. Gwen heads into the
confessional and Hank says what he wouldn't give to be a fly on the wall. Gwen confesses to Father L what she's done and he
tells her she must stop this or he can't grant her absolution. Gwen leaves the confessional and Father L prays that she the
right thing. Hank comes over and says that was a fast confession and asks her if Father L cleansed her soul is clean. Charity
tells Miguel that the wedding is going to be beautiful and Jessica says and fun too and they hear the band and Jessica wants
to go outside to dance. Charity stops on the way to fix a flower arrangement and has the premonition again and Miguel asks
her if she's having it again and she should tell him about it so she does. She tells him it can't happen and Miguel says that
it won't nothing can come between Luis and Sheridan now. Jessica and Kay are outside and the band is playing and Jessica wants
to dance. Jessica is happy and says that they probably won't see another wedding till Miguel and Charity get married. Kay
says that will be a long time away and Jessica says she doesn't think so; she doesn't think they will wait till they are eighteen.
Miguel and Charity come out and they talk about the first time he taught her to dance and Miguel asks for a dance and they
start. Kay watches and gets so upset that she breaks the stem off of a rose and pricks her finger on a thorn. Hank asks Gwen
if her soul is crystal clean and Gwen says they are all sinners and her soul is just like everyone else. Hank tells her that
she looks good and she won't have a problem finding love again. Father L comes out and asks Hank to check on the passages
for the wedding and he leaves. Father L begs Gwen not to break up Ethan and Theresa and Gwen says she will think about it.
After Father L leaves Gwen says there's no way that she will stop trying to get Ethan back. Ivy and Pilar are outside and
Pilar urges Ivy to try to make things work with Julian. Ivy says he would never take her back after she tried to pass Ethan
off as a Crane. A man comes over and hands Ivy an envelope and she opens it. She reads it and tells Pilar they can't go back
now; Julian just served her with divorce papers.
The Dr.'s Office: Theresa arrives at Dr. Steven's office and she tells Whit she's excited
and that tomorrow she's going to make love to Ethan for the first time. Whit tells her it must be incredible to have that
kind of bond, Theresa says it is and she knows that Ethan is going to make it so special for her but she doesn't know what
kind of birth control to use and she asks for her advice. Whit says she doesn't know and since she and Chad aren't together
anymore it doesn't matter.
Sheridan's Cottage: Sheridan and Luis arrive back at the cottage and Luis says that he thinks
he's going to need a few kisses and Sheridan says she can handle that and they kiss. Luis tells her they still have some time
and Sheridan asks what he has in mind and they head to the bedroom. After making love Sheridan tells Luis that she can't wait
to go to bed in his arms every night and wake up in them every morning. Luis says they will be together forever and it's like
the ring says till death do them part. Luis is preparing to leave and says he isn't looking forward to it and Sheridan says
she isn't either but tomorrow all their dreams will come true and they kiss.
The Crane Mansion: Al tells Julian that Pilar needs to be taught her place and how dare
she speak to him that way. Julian says that she and Ivy always did walk around like they owned the place. Al says he'll worry
about her later; it looks like they will have to wait till tomorrow for Sheridan to die. Julian begs his father to change
his plan and exchange the poison rings for the non-poison variety and Al tells him to stop being a baby. He informs Julian
that this is the only way to go and when Sheridan dies tomorrow her low rent lover will be consumed with grief and he'll be
rid of both of them for good.
The Book Cafe: Chad and Ethan arrive and Chad tells Ethan he was hoping that they could
hang out but Beth is having a hard time getting help. Ethan says he might have to fill out an application and Chad laughs
and says that will be the day. Ethan tells him that he's having a hard time getting a job and one of his law school buddies
told him that it's because the big law firms are scared that Al and Jules would retaliate. Chad can't believe that they are
causing problems and Ethan says maybe he'll open his own firm and Chad says that's a good idea. Theresa and Whitney are outside
the cafe and Whit asks her does it feel strange carrying around birth control and she tells her it doesn't feel strange; she's
excited because she knows tomorrow night she and Ethan will make love for the first time. Ethan tells Chad not to tell Theresa
that he's having a hard time getting a job; they talked about having children right away and he doesn't want her to know.
Chad says he won't say a word. Ethan asks Chad shouldn't he be concentrating on getting Whitney back. Chad says he loves Whitney
but not matter what he does it won't do any good; if Whit can toss him away like an old sweater then maybe she doesn't really
love him. There's a young lady at the counter and Chad tells her he'll be with her in just a minute. She tells Chad for him,
she could wait all day and Chad smiles. Theresa and Whit come in and Theresa calls Ethan baby and asks if he missed her; Ethan
says only every second she was gone and they kiss and Chad and Whit look at each other. Theresa, Ethan and Whitney are sitting
at a table and Whitney continues to watch as Chad talks to the young woman. Theresa tells her that she should go to him and
Whit says she can't do that. Theresa tells her that she loves Chad and he loves her and it doesn't make sense to stay away
from Chad for Simone and a promise that she never heard.
Tabitha's House: Tim is looking through the telescope and tells Tab that there's action
at the bed and breakfast. Tab tells him to look at the sky and Tim says he doesn't know what he's looking for and Tab tells
him trouble and she's figured a way to find out what the future holds and Tim tells her not to. Tab says it's the only way.
Tim and Tab are at the basement doors and Tim tells Tabitha that before she down there's on thing she must have first. Tim
hands Tab a martimmy and tells her that he wants to share one last one with her before she leaves. Tab is touched and tells
Timmy not to get all mushy but then tells him that if she doesn't come back then he can use the proceeds from the book to
live the high life. Timmy mentions Tahiti and Tab says that he's already got his itinerary planned and she heads into the
basement. Tab comes back out carrying a cooked goose and tells Timmy that's all the they told her. Tim and Tab are back in
the attic and Tab tells him that there is gloom and doom for everyone including them and to hold on because it's going to
be a long wild ride.